Page 133 of Hearing her Cries

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"We ought to make these bitches pay for what happened." The guy behind the skinny bitch said. Jerry. “She’s skinny, but I’d make her enjoy it well enough. Make her squeal and wrap those long legs around me.”

He had his hand in her hair. Touching her neck and stuff. Caressing her. Vaughn knew what the guy wanted. What he'd done to women before. That disgusted Vaughn when he thought about it.

Crispin Maria's sister was just a damnedkid.She even looked like one, even if she was tall.Vaughn wasn’t going to let that shit happen to Crispin Maria’s sister. He just wasn’t. How could he look his angel in the eyes ever again, if he let that happen to her sister?

She’d pleaded with him. Crispin Maria had begged him not to hurt her sisters.

"Hell, no. The old man won't pay for damaged goods. Keep your damned hands off them. Stick to the whores you can find in Dallas. These girls are worth too much money to screw them now."

And, considering everything else he’d done to this kid today and what Gregory would no doubt to her—he wasn’t going to let them touch her…or even the redheaded bitch at his feet now either.

A man…had to have standards. Be a man he could respect. Vaughn had done some shit, no denying that. He’d killed multiple times before.

But those people, women mostly, had beenbeforeCrispin Maria. And that meant something. It would mean something to her, too.

She would never forgive him. He had to be a better man now.

For Crispin Maria.

He looked at the other guys in the rear of the van. “Tape their hands up. We don’t need them getting away. We have a ninety minute drive ahead of us until we can dump them off and get paid.”

And get his Crispin Maria. That was all Vaughn really wanted. Crispin Maria forever.

He pulled her blue-haired sister into his arms and just held her there, so Jerry would keep his fucking paws off her. Vaughn just stayed there, running his fingers through her hair himself the entire damned time.

Damned shame what Gregory was going to do to her when he had her. Vaughn just hoped his stepfather liked the surprise Vaughn was bringing him now.


Judge Collins hada real corncob up her ass sometimes, but she was one of the more tolerable judges out there. Fair, and she knew what she was doing. No denying that.

And she usually gave him the warrants he asked for on a reasonable basis. There was always that. But her sticking to her precious schedule had him not getting out of the courthouse until almost ten minutes after five. He'd hoped to get off the witness stand by four or so, then go back to his lady. Convince her to head back to Finley Creek tonight. Grab dinner at that diner her pal owned. Then head to her new digs and enjoy each other.

They’d give Sydney custody of Pen for a while, and just wrap around each other and forget the world.

Zoey was getting too stressed about this search for her blood relatives. The Masterson County assholes had told Murdoch one thing—not all those lost siblings were going to be worth her knowing.

He was going to have to find a way to protect her from that hurt as much as he could.

Loving that woman was what it was all about.

He'd held the woman he loved all night long. For the last two nights in a row. He’d been right where hebelonged.

There was no better feeling than that.

Not that he would tell her how he felt just yet. Probably better to let her just discover that fact for herself. Make Zoey Sofia think it was her idea.

He'd swing by, check on good old Neilie boy, and then he was going to go seduce his woman again. He and Zoey had over two years of being professional with each other and nothing more to make up for, after all.

Tonight was the perfect time to get started.

Neil met him at the door. He was a big brute, a good two inches taller and fifty pounds heavier than Murdoch’s six four plus. "Mail for you on your desk. Think it's from one of your sisters' kids. Top envelope. Has urgent written on the back in red crayon."

"Great." His sisters’ kids loved to send him letters. Like the favorite uncle he was, he always wrote them back. He was looking forward to living closer to those little rodents. Being an uncle was awesome, after all. "Anything else going on?"

"Peach the Fuzz ended up at the IGA again. Made it all the way to the deli. I hate that damned cat." A look of irritation hit the guy’s blue eyes.

A cat—that was Neil’s nemesis. A cat. Here Neil looked like a villain in a Slater Davis movie—and he was locked in battle with an eleven-pound cat. The guy had problems.
