Page 2 of The Kingpin

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Regrets? Oh, I had several, including this moment. Methods of revenge had already crossed my mind.

How I’d been coerced into doing something highly illegal was beyond me. While I hadn’t actually broken into the house given the festive by-invitation-only party occurring two floors below, I’d been forced to be creative in determining how to get inside without being cornered as an intruder.

Which I was.

I had no business being here. In fact, I’d lose my scholarship if anyone from the university found out. Plus, given I was sent to steal something valuable, my ass could land in jail.Awesome decision, girl.

At least no one had noticed that I’d disguised myself as one of the catering firm hired for the illustrious event. After gaining entrance, I’d quickly changed into swankier attire inside a closet, the balled-up dress no worse for wear. From what I could tell, the event was an engagement party, which made the situation unseemly in my mind. Who stole from the groom to be? The assignment was nothing but punishment for being who I was.


It had nothing to do with my beauty queen mother. This was all about my father.

And a dare I’d been stupid enough to accept after being forced to chug three shots of tequila.

After getting my bearings, I’d followed my instructions, going up the back stairs to the third floor, finding the bedroom suite noted on the single piece of paper I’d been provided. Once I’d located the mark’s private area, I’d used skills gleaned from my father in obtaining access into the man’s room.

I had no doubt in my mind the bitch of a sorority president Megan Montgomery had created this assignment given my father’s occupation. I’d wanted to refuse but my mother had insisted this be the sorority I pledged, LSU her alma mater. She’d been the sorority president as well. I’d been expected to follow in her footsteps when I was nothing like her. That had been the only reason I’d been granted a chance by the girls who’d taken one look at the criminology nerd and had laughed, making fun of my funky clothes. I certainly didn’t fit in with the perfectly coiffed blondes who reminded me of Stepford wives of Baton Rouge.

I took a final deep breath, contemplating running. Right. I was a hundred miles from my dorm room, my roommate away for the weekend. I’d gotten myself in this mess, I had to follow through with the deal I’d made, or I’d be the laughingstock of the university.

Likely disowned.

You can do this. In and out.

That was the mantra I’d said to myself over and over again.

Now I stood in the middle of the darkened bedroom of a man I didn’t know, searching for something that would prove I’d stolen from the owner of the gorgeous home.

However, the last thing Megan had told me prior to placing the blindfold over my eyes had driven a bundle of nerves into my system. And she’d done so with glee in her voice, trying to scare me. Well, I didn’t scare easily given I had a blackbelt in karate and knew my way around weapons. My father had insisted I have respect and knowledge for guns.

“Just be careful, Raven. The man is a monster. If he catches you, you’ll be punished. Or worse.”

In my mind, a monster was only as good as his reputation. If his lavish bedroom with an oversized king bed and ornately carved furniture made out of rich chocolate-colored exotic wood was any indication, he was a man of passion as well as commanding control. Or maybe I’d been reading too many romance novels.

So far, I’d seen an expansive living room bathed in colors of cream and gold, large enough to host lavish parties like the rowdy one going on downstairs. But the remaining rooms were more gothic in nature, dark textured walls in ruby red and deep purple accentuating the art strategically positioned under dazzling LED lights. He enjoyed ensuring his guests noticed his appreciation of all things sadistic and provocative.

Even the sweeping curved wood staircase leading from the massive marble-floored entrance foyer was a clear indication of the man’s wealth and his stance on opulence. Yet his bedroom was warm and inviting, the stone fireplace accentuating the deep burgundy comforter.

I knew nothing else about him, other than he was wealthy beyond anything I could imagine, his tastes in art and photography erotic in nature. I had to wonder whether he’d made any of the selections himself or had hired someone to provide an enviable backdrop of function versus wealth. Every piece of furniture was elegant and beautiful, so much so I was terrified of touching anything.

The mystery man was also an impeccable dresser as evidenced by his stunning and very expensive wardrobe. I’d started in the closet first, admiring his Brioni and Prada suits, his vast array of silk designer ties and crisp linen shirts in various colors.

His entire wardrobe was sensual, the aura powerful, and I craved to see the owner in one of the swanky outfits. I could only imagine his appearance—tall, dark, and all man. Maybe I needed to think about anything but the fact that what I was doing could land me in jail, destroying any hope for a decent future.

Let alone what my father would do to me if he found out about my ridiculous infraction.

Time was ticking, the requirement needing to be fulfilled. What could I take that would be enough to allow my acceptance into the snooty society?

I turned in a full circle, inhaling the mystery man’s aftershave lingering in the air. His natural musky scent was infused with hints of citrus and timber, exotic spices and a fragrance that could only be described as passionfruit on steroids. I couldn’t help myself, running my fingers across the sleeves of his linen and wool suits, bringing the tips to my nose.

He had at least three dozen pairs of shoes, more than any man I’d ever known, some polished loafers, at least four brand new pairs. Yet there were also running shoes and boots, including two pairs of rattlesnake cowboy boots. The man had fascinating tastes. I could bask in the glory of his wardrobe for a full hour, but I had limited time. Only fifteen minutes left to accomplish my goal. Of course, the two sorority sisters who’d accompanied me on the hour-plus trip were keeping close track.

They’d even told me they’d leave my ass behind if I was a minute late.

This was a test, a game they used with what they called their most prominent pledges, although the term ‘hazing’ wasn’t far from anyone’s minds. They were daughters of the most rich and powerful men in the world, considered the elite students within Louisiana State University, where I hoped to graduate from without having a black mark on my record.

I rolled my eyes; glancing out the closet window to the street below, I could almost make out the car Shelly had driven. I had been blindfolded, and they’d told me nothing other than we were headed out of the city, although I could tell by the architecture of the gorgeous aging mansion that we were in New Orleans.
