Page 14 of Bragg's Christmas

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How do I begin?

I’m not used to having to explain myself to these yahoos. I’m the oldest. They’re the ones normally trying to defend themselves from whatever hair-brained scheme they got themselves into.

Except. I’m not the oldest anymore. Peace is. He’s our half-brother we found after we discovered our dad was a serial cheater. And by ‘we’ I mean Miller and Elder. My fraternal twin brothers found him through one of those home genetic tests.

They actually moved to Winter Falls and started a brewery here in order to meet him. It took them until the start of this year to gather their balls and actually talk to Peace. Once all hell broke loose, my other brothers Riley and Brody decided to join them here.

Riley and Brody are identical twins who have pulled every twin trick in the book. Switched classes in school, switched girlfriends – you name it and they did it. They think they’re hilarious. I think they’re tricksters.

Although, my brothers aren’t the ones tricking anyone now. They’re the ones settling down and putting roots down in this town with their partners.

Riley was the first to fall in love with Moon. They actually met in San Diego but Riley ran when he found out Moon lives in Winter Falls. He’s lucky she gave him a second chance.

Then, Miller fell for Eden. Although they pretended to hate each other for quite a while before they finally gave in to their desires.

Elder was next. He had his eye on Harmony from the moment they met. When Harmony got custody of her baby niece, Robin, he seized his chance and they’re married now.

Last to fall was Brody. He had a thing for Soleil but she wouldn’t give him the time of day. So, he maneuvered a way for them to be roommates. Somehow, she fell for my prank-loving brother and now they’re pregnant.

Oh wait. Brody wasn’t last. Mom fell in love with a Winter Falls local, too. A hippie named Lennon. I’m starting to think they put some weird love potion in the water in this town.

And I’ve missed it all. Because I’ve been hiding from them. I’m done hiding.

I straighten my back and begin. “This is my daughter, Skye.”

Skye smiles and waves. “I’m Skye!”

Mom’s bottom lip trembles. “I have a granddaughter?”

Elder scowls. “I think you mean another granddaughter.”

His wife elbows him. “Knock it off. This isn’t ‘one-up my brother’-time.”

Elder snorts. “Where have you been? It’s always ‘one-up my brother’-time.”

Brody smirks. “In which case, I’m one-upping you since my girlfriend is pregnant.” He wraps an arm around Soleil’s shoulders and brings her near before kissing her forehead.

“How are you one-upping me?” Elder asks. “I already have a daughter.”

“Enough,” Miller growls. “Can we stop discussing your children and let Damon explain about Skye?”

Riley chuckles. “This from the man who thinks he has super sperm.”

Eden slaps Miller’s stomach. “You need to stop telling everyone your sperm is super sperm.”

“What’s sperm?” Skye asks and I grimace.

“Maybe this is why I didn’t tell my brothers about my daughter,” I grumble before kneeling in front of Skye. “Why don’t you go play with Nanny Love while I talk to your uncles?”

She sticks out her bottom lip. “But I want to play with my uncles. I never had uncles before.”

“There’s a big playground in the backyard,” Brody chimes in.

Is he serious? “You have a playground in your backyard? Your baby hasn’t even been born yet.”

Soleil sighs. “Since the man admitted he’s a millionaire, he’s been spending money like it’s going out of style.”

Moon rolls her eyes. “The man built you a pottery shed. I wouldn’t complain if I were you.”
