Page 99 of Bragg's Christmas

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“Nanny Love is going to be my new mommy,” Skye announces to the room and everyone else within a five-mile radius since she has no idea what an indoor voice is.

I feel my face heat. “It’s not… She’s confused… We’re dating but …”

“Another one bites the dust,” Olivia sings and begins to dance.

Damon purses his lips. “Be nice or I’ll tell everyone your news.”

She rolls her eyes. “Everyone already knows I’m pregnant. The betting about the baby’s name is already up to five hundred dollars.”

“Congratulations, Olivia,” I say because I didn’t know she’s pregnant. People are being nicer to me but I’m still not part of the Winter Falls’ grapevine.

“Thanks, but I kind of envy your situation. You don’t need to worry about getting stretch marks. And bang! You have a five-year-old daughter.”

I would love to get stretch marks. I would love to complain about cankles and have weird food cravings. I wait for the feeling of jealousy to burn in my stomach the way it usually does anytime someone gets pregnant. The feeling is absent this time, though. Because Olivia’s right. I am lucky.

“This is awesome! I’ll order you a Bragg brother t-shirt.” Moon whips out her phone.

Elder smiles at me. “Welcome to the family, Sis.” Miller grunts in agreement.

Damon leans close to whisper in my ear. “Told you there was no reason to be nervous.”

I elbow him and change the subject, because there’s only one appropriate response when your boyfriend is right – avoidance. “How can I help?”

Clementine points to the table. “Can you get the table set?”

“Of course.”

Everyone scatters to fulfill their tasks to prepare for dinner while I head for the table. I set the stacks of dishes and silverware on the sideboard and pick up the tablecloth.

Clementine frowns. “I’ve never seen that tablecloth before.”

“Stop!” Damon shouts.

“What?” I ask as I snap the fabric of the tablecloth in the air to unfold it. Confetti rains down and spreads all over the table and floor.

Damon growls. “Brody Bragg, you are a dead man.”

“Yeah!” Skye yells as she twirls around in the pieces of confetti floating in the air.

“I’ll get the broom.” Brody nabs a broom from behind him.

“No!” Miller yells.

Damon doesn’t bother shouting this time. He rushes across the room and tackles Brody to the floor. When they fall, Brody drops the broom and flour spills out.

“I want to play, too, Daddy.”

I hurry after Skye but she’s faster than me. She kneels down and sticks her hands in the flour before throwing it in the air. “Whee!”

Damon and Brody wrestle on the floor as Skye twirls around in the flour cloud she created. I cover my mouth but there’s no hiding my laugh.

This family is crazy. And they appear to accept me. I couldn’t ask for anything more. Maybe I get to have a happily ever after, after all.

Chapter 32

I will get you back, Damon. This means war. ~ Message from Riley to the Bragg brothers

Love Hill
