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“Go ahead.” He says.

I really hate making assumptions, but could this be what I think it is? Only one way to find out. I flick open the box and find a large diamond solitaire ring inside.

“Now turn the painting over.” Liam adds, gesturing towards the canvas on the bed beside me. My mind is racing so hard trying to process all that’s happening as I pick up the canvas and turn it around. My mouth gapes open in disbelief as I read through the words written behind it.

‘Can this be us? Forever and always? Marry me and make me the happiest man alive.’

Oh God. I dare not blink, as this all seems like a dream. I’m so overcome by emotion, that it hurts to swallow down a lump in my throat. I look up, my tears flowing freely now, and see his expression is one of absolute adoration. He goes down on one knee, taking the ring box from between my legs, holding it in the space between us.

“What do you say Lily Sanders? Will you marry me?” He asks, almost timidly.

My heart swells. This is perfect. I want nothing more than to throw myself at him and scream,Yes!But instead, I reach across the distance between us, and kiss him hard and passionately, my lips moving frantically against his, desperate to convey my answer with my actions as words fail me right now.

When he pulls apart, I can taste the salt and feel my tears falling over my cheeks. The sight of it makes me laugh out loud, but then Liam kisses me once more, and soon enough I'm laughing and crying all together.

“Why are you crying, my love?”

“I don’t know. This is picture perfect.”

No, the pun wasn’t intended. Not quite. But I think Liam gets the drift. He helps wipe the tears off my cheeks, smiling as he does so. “So, is that a yes?”

I nod furiously in response and kiss him again, this time softer, gentler, and I wrap myself around his neck.

“Yes, I will! I will!” I exclaim, burying my head in his shoulder so I don’t have to look at him anymore. I’m shaking with happiness and relief and joy. I’m marrying the man of my dreams. I’ve never felt happier or more loved.

He pulls me into a tight embrace and kisses my hair and shoulders, murmuring sweet things into my ear and rubbing soft circles on my back.

“I think this is the part where you put the ring on my finger.” I joke through the tears still cascading down my cheeks and he laughs softly, his nose brushing my own as I look up at him.

“Sorry. I got caught up in the moment a little.”

He gently slides the ring onto my finger, kissing me tenderly when it’s done, resting his forehead against mine. There’s silence between us. Then he speaks.

“I love you so much, Lily.” He whispers, leaning in and pressing his lips against mine. “I love you…I love you so very much.”

I grin up at him through the tears. “I love you too.”

There’s no awkwardness. No hesitation.

He makes me happy. Much happier than I’ve ever been. I want him, now and forever.

“I can’t believe my luck.” He says, gazing at me with soft eyes.


“How did I end up with someone as perfect as you?”

He kisses my neck as he speaks and it sends shivers racing down my spine.

“I should ask you the same question.”

“You and this baby are the best Christmas gift ever. You have given me the chance to have my very own family, and I will never take you for granted. No take-backs…ever.” He says with passion in his voice.

His gaze meets mine once more—that smile of his makes my heart race and I can feel the surge of butterflies in my stomach.

I feel the curve of his mouth and the smile he makes against my skin. I smile back in response. Love really is a beautiful thing, and I’m so glad that I’ve finally found my forever person.

The End.
