Page 67 of The Senator

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I swallow. “Any advice on handling this meltdown?”

“Just keep the lines of communication open,sir.”Stay off the comms, you idiot.

“Of course.” I say, my voice rough. “Anything else?”

Robbie nods. “Afraid so.” I brace myself for him to tell me the news, but instead he looks at my phone, which is ringing. It’s Delgado. “Take care, sir.” Robbie says and then he turns and walks the other way.

“Mr. Delgado, this is a pleasant surprise.” I smile into my phone.

“Is it,sobrino?”Fausto sounds pissed.Just fucking great.

“What can I do for you?”

“You can speed up those tags.”

“Well, as we —“

He cuts me off. “You’ve had all the time you’re going to get. If I have to slow down, my customers have to find their product elsewhere, White. The Canadians are having a fucking field day. Chicago, Miami, they’re all threatening to renegotiate. I’m getting fucked from all sides and it’s enough to wonder if you aren’t slowing me down on purpose.”

“Absolutely not. What hurts my constituents hurts me, of course.” He knows what I’m saying. I can’t outright say that he owns me in front of the secret service men surrounding me.

“You better hope so. Because when an entire operation gets clogged after shitting along perfectly for a decade, you know where a smart man looks? He looks to find what’s changed. And the only thing that changed in the last few months is you.”

“The wall—“

“Was going to happen sometime, some way. But who I partnered with was the gamble. I took a chance on you, White. You have a week.”

Sweat breaks out on my whole body. I pull at my tie and clear my throat. “I’m sure I can make that work.”

“You better. And to be clear,familiaor not, thatisa threat. Have a nice flight.”

Fausto hangs up. Nice flight..okay, so I guess I’m getting on a jet home, immediately. Fine. Good. I text my car service. I get to my apartment and pack a bag. While I wait for the car, I grab a paper and pen and write a note.

Tags complete in under one week.

Imminent threat.

Flying back to Austin now.

I read the note three times. Then I set the paper on fire. When all the writing is gone, I toss the remains in the toilet and flush.

I keep my cool and go through the motions, chatting with my driver and texting my staff. I smile at people walking past and nod at my guards. I get on the plane like I’m just a man happy to head home to Texas. Meanwhile, I’m sick to my stomach and sweating bullets. I’ve endangered the mission and my family, my goals.

Finally, mid-flight, a text comes through.

Robbie: They’ll be ready in four days. Guaranteed. CAD.

Mark: DAN.

Thank God.



I’ve dreamed of Mark many times in the past couple weeks. The dreams are always variations of what we’ve done in real life. At his desk, on the table, on my knees. And the morning after that lesson, when he barged into my room before work and caught me in the shower. He stared at me, frozen, watching my hands as they soaped my skin and then smashed into the shower like a man possessed. Fully clothed!

He turned me around, bent me over, and pressed his fingers into me from behind. I don’t know how his fingers moved so hard and fast. When his other hand reached around and pinched my wet clit, I almost blacked out. I wonder if orgasms like this are normal?
