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"I honestly have no idea what'll happen with this trip. I love working here, and the thought of leaving is daunting as hell. But Virginia is my home, and if it weren't for my grandfather, I never would have ventured into veterinary medicine at all. I feel obligated to at least honor his request to work with him for a few weeks before making a decision."

"Of course." The lack of hesitation in Neil's response comforted Drew. "Like I said, I'd hate like hell to lose you, but family should always come first."

"Six weeks is a long furlough, though."

"Not really. It's not foaling season, and the clinic will be operating on an abbreviated schedule in December anyway. I'm sure you have enough leave accumulated."

Since he rarely took any time off, that much was true. "There is one other thing."

Neil arched a brow. "I'm listening."

"It's about Hope. I thought it might be good for her to come with me. Get her away from all the reminders for a little while, especially during her first holidays without her father."

"I agree. But you know as well as I do that Hope will argue till she's blue in the face she'll be just fine and doesn't need any special treatment."

"Actually, I talked to her earlier, and believe it or not, she agreed to go with me."

Astonished, Neil leaned forward. "You're kidding."

Drew shook his head. "No. Shocked the hell out of me, too. Of course, by now, I’m sure she’s come up with a million reasons why it’s a bad idea and has changed her mind.”

“Then we’ll just have to double team her because you’re right, she needs some time away,” Neil replied. “So, what timeframe are you considering?”

“I thought we’d leave a day or two before Thanksgiving and stay until New Year’s Day.”

With a nod, Neil rose from the chair and turned to leave. When he reached the door, he paused. "I know this is none of my business, but you're good for Hope, Drew. Personally, as well as professionally. Sam would appreciate you looking out for her."

"Neil, I..."

The older vet shook his head. "I'm not prying into your business. Just making an observation."

"I appreciate it." And he did.

"If you need any help convincing Hope not to change her mind, you know where to find me."

Chapter Four

For about the bazillionth time in the last three weeks, Hope wondered if she'd completely lost her mind for even considering, let alone actually accepting Drew's invitation to go home with him for the holidays.

Yes, she had been through a rough couple of months. Losing her father had been devastating, and Hope knew her first holiday season without Sam was bound to be excruciatingly painful. Then, there was his financial disaster she felt responsible for clearing up. And to top everything off, she was carrying her boss's child.

All circumstances she should deal with on her own. In Louisville. Like the grownup she was.

By going to Virginia with Drew, Hope was only postponing the inevitable. When the holidays were over and she returned to Kentucky, her situation would be the same. Her father would still be gone. The bills would still be waiting to be paid. Everyone who knew her and her father would continue to pity her.

And she'd still be pregnant with Drew Blackwood's baby.

In hindsight, the most logical solution was to stay where she belonged. To face the music of life without her father and move forward as best she could. Yes, it would be hard, but hard wasn't impossible.

Yet, logic apparently reigned supreme over both her conscience and whacked-out hormones, because here she sat, strapped into the passenger seat of Drew’s heavy-duty pickup as he sped down the highway. And while Lynyrd Skynyrd proclaimed their love for Alabama through the stereo system, Hope wondered what the hell she was going to do with herself in Virginia for the next six weeks.

Of course, nothing in their agreement said she needed to stay the entire time. If Hope wanted to return to Louisville sooner than Drew, she’d just book a flight or rent a car and go home.

“You’re awfully quiet over there,” Drew broke the silence that had stretched between them for the last thirty minutes.

“Just thinking,” Hope replied.

“Please tell me you aren’t still second-guessing your decision to come with me.”
