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It’s a strange thing to have one of your parents die. Especially when it comes from out of nowhere.

If there had been a protracted disease… cancer, say, or diabetes… it would have been easier than this. I would have expected it. I would have prepared for it.

But there was nothing to prepare me for this.

I take that back. When I went to get him in Mexico, years ago, I had to prepare for his death. I’d forgotten that. I was so pissed off at his reaction when I paid his kidnappers – ‘What took you so long?’ – that I forgot how I had to mentally prepare to walk in there and find him dead.

Of course, the irony is that when I was most prepared, we both walked out of it okay. Still hating each other, but okay. And when I was least expecting it… that’s when it happened.

I read somewhere that for a man, when your father dies, it’s the first time you confront your own mortality.

I don’t know if I’m confronting my own mortality yet.

But I think I might have to soon. When I see him.

And I’m afraid.

For the first time since I thought I lost Lily, back before we were engaged… I’m afraid.
