Page 7 of Until Remington

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“Alright, you get the candy, I’ll load us up on chips,” I tell June as I grab a cart and head toward the junk food aisle.

“Red Hots and Sour Skittles?” she asks. I grin, loving that she knows my favorites.

“Of course. Better get a bag of gummy worms for Emilia,” I add. June nods, skipping ahead to check out the candy.

I smile as I scan the shelves, looking for all of our usual chip staples. Emilia is picking up Spencer and the pizzas as we speak, and then we’re all meeting at the house to start our movie night.

I’m debating between Pringles and Doritos when a shadow falls over me. I glance over and my heart starts to thunder in my ears when I see who it is. The tall, dark, ridiculously handsome man from this morning. He’s standing a foot from me with a huge grin on his face, and I know he must recognize me, too. When was the last time someone was this happy to see me? It’s kind of endearing.

God, I forgot how tall he is. And how green his eyes are. Before I can stop myself, my gaze drops to his chest, my face heating as I think about what it felt like to be pressed up against his firm muscles. I think I could curl up there and fall asleep.

“Hey,” the man says, his deep voice washing over me and drawing me forward like a hypnotic wave. My eyes snap to his, and I’m stunned by the fierceness of his gaze. It rolls through my body, making me aware of every sensation from my heartbeat to the goosebumps breaking out over my skin.

“I’m Remington.”

My eyes are transfixed on the way his lips form the words. I’m only able to break my gaze when I see the corner of his mouth twist up into an amused smirk. I shake my head and blink a few times, still in a haze from being in this man’s presence.

“Um, hi,” I squeak out.

I look around, not sure if I’m praying for June to interrupt us or for her to stay in the candy aisle.

“What’s your name, beautiful?”

Beautiful? No one has ever called me that before.I try to ignore the warm, comforting feeling that settles deep in my chest at his words. Maybe I should be wary of him. In fact, my brain is blaring a warning signal, trying to remind me to stay away, keep my heart closed, and not let him in.

But my heart?

My heart is leaping out of my chest, wanting more of Remington. He’s said a handful of words to me, and already I feel more connected to him than any man I’ve met.

Maybe that’s why I don’t run away. Maybe that’s why I tell him, “I’m Lucy.”

“Lucy,” he says in that sexy voice. I know my cheeks are a deep red now, but I hope he doesn’t notice.

I look around again, unsure of what happens next. I have no idea how to make small talk with a guy. My first reaction is to turn, grab June, and get the heck out of here. I am not prepared to handle this situation. I’m not ready to talk to the first and only man who can make me feel like there are butterflies taking flight in my stomach.

“Are you new to town?” Remington asks me. I blink, trying to get my thoughts in order. It’s difficult to think of anything when his eyes are so green and so fixed on mine.

“Not really. I moved here about a year and a half ago.”

“I just got back to town.”

I nod, not knowing what to say to that.

“There are a few new restaurants in town I’m going to try out. Want to join me?” he asks with a smooth smile.

“No, I can’t,” I say before I can really even think it through.

It’s a knee-jerk reaction for me. It’s been that way with every guy that’s shown an interest in me since I was a teenager.Men can only hurt you. Whatever fleeting happiness they bring surely isn’t worth the inevitable heartache.

At least, that’s the mantra I’ve repeated to myself for years now. I’ve never minded before, but staring at Remington, I realize this is the first time I wish I had said yes.

I can’t deny that I’m drawn to him. There’s just something about him that intrigues me. But then I think about the look on my foster sister’s face when she learned that her boyfriend had been cheating on her for months. I think about the black eyes some of my foster moms had to hide with makeup. I think about Brenda and her awful ex who abandoned her and June for another woman. It’s a little easier to force my feelings aside when I consider the eventual outcome of most relationships.

I need to forget about Remington and dating. I should be focused on my business and friends, not this man I just met. No matter how charming. And sexy. And sweet.Gah, get it together!

The tall, captivating man’s easy smile fades slightly, and I steel myself, wondering if he’s going to turn mean or start yelling. At least I’m in public and hopefully, someone will stop him before things get out of hand.

Instead, Remington gets a glint in his eyes and smiles wider, like he’s glad I’m turning him down. Like he likes the challenge.
