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“The sun sets so early now,” I say aloud as I drive on the highway heading out of Highlands Ranch. I completed all the hiring paperwork this afternoon, and my head’s still full of the newness of it all—the promise of adventures that can come because I’ll have a legit brand management career.

I’ve got my grandpa on the phone through my car’s speakers. “And you’re starting your new job up there in January?” he asks, his voice sounding frustrated. “That’s the worst time of year to be driving on that road.”

“How do you know? You’re from Florida.”

“The guys at the diner have educated me on the ins and outs of the weather, traffic, and politics here. I feel homegrown now.”

I snort a laugh. “You evensoundlike a New Hedge old timer. Glad to hear you’re acclimating to your new habitat.” The dusky blue and purple sunset streams through the evergreens and pines on either side of the highway.

It’s stunning. If the weather is clear, this is not a bad commute at all.

“That’s me,” he says. “The old gopher, digging a brand-new hole in the ground. I’ve convinced your mother to let me use the snow blower. Why did no one ever tell me about snow blowers before? I’d like to start a new career manning them. Do you think I’m too old to become an entrepreneur?” He pauses. “Hey! You could design the employees’ T-shirts.”

“I love how your mind scurries from one thing to the next without any warning. You really are an old gopher.” I glance at my rear-view mirror before changing lanes. “I’d be happy to design something for you, but you’d have to print it on snow bibs because your employees are not going to wear T-shirts in the frigid air.”

“Hmm. Maybe you’re right. Maybe for now, I’ll stick to using the snow blower on the neighbors’ sidewalks for free. I’ll start my business next year.”

“Grandpa the dreamer. I love it.” And I mean it. I think I get my rediscovered ambition from him. I chuckle as a new thought comes to mind. “Leave it to the Floridian to be the most excited one about the snow. Don’t worry. It’ll wear off before spring hits and you’ll hate it like the rest of us.”

“Never. It’s gorgeous. The great equalizer. I heard the Nielsons and the Harkeys down the street don’t do the best job taking care of their lawn, but with the snow piling up, no one ever knows. They should try to sell their houses in the winter.”

I giggle. “Sounds like you’ve got everything figured out.”

“I like it here. Should have moved here sooner. But anyway, back to you driving on that highway every day.”

“It’s not going to be every day. I only have to go into the office twice a week. I can work from home the other three.”

“You mean wear your pajamas all day and eat cold cereal for lunch?”

“Is that what you would do if you worked from home?”

“Naw. I probably wouldn’t bother with pajamas. I’d just stay in my boxer briefs all day.”

I burst out a laugh. “Not during Colorado winters, you wouldn’t. You’d freeze.”

“True, true. But listen, Aria. It’s great that things are already squared away for the new job. Everything happened so fast.”

“I know. And during the holidays? The emergency maternity leave situation has left them scrambling. They wanted me to get started right away. I’ll be doing a bunch of trainings from home after Christmas.” I’m equal parts excited and unsure. It did happen fast. Still, it feels right.

“You want to come walk with me around town when I get back?” I ask him. “Not old downtown where Shorty’s is, but the newer part? I’m going out again to drum up more publicity for the festival.”

“You’ve been going out a lot. Seems like every afternoon after work.”

“It’s the charitable donations. That huge plastic stocking at the festival has been filling up with cash and gift cards that people have been donating, but I can’t help but worry, with how crazy things have been this year, that the families we’re donating to aren’t going to get what they need.”

“You have a kind heart,” Grandpa says.

“I got it from you.”

He grows quiet. “Speaking of the heart. How’s the love life?”

I sigh. “I’m hanging up now.”

“Wait. I promise I’m not on a secret assignment from your parents, even though they know you talk to me about this stuff.”

“If they’d stop arguing or giving each other the cold shoulder for two seconds, I might be able to get a word in edgewise and tell them about this alleged love life of mine myself.”
