Page 43 of Brute's Mate

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She knows why I’ve resisted claiming her.

What will she think?

Will she look down on me because of my father’s actions?

“You aren’t your father,” she says, “and I don’t think it’s fair that his dishonor has impacted your life.”

I start to shield my thoughts, but then I quickly stop. She’s already seen a glimpse of the darkness that follows me. Perhaps I should stop trying to hide it. Perhaps I should tell her the truth—that I fear I’m not worthy of claiming any female. The fear that even though I’m a decorated security officer and I happen to be Admiral Tornn’s cousin, I’ll still always remain an outsider among my people. A dishonored male on the fridges of Darrvason society.

She wraps her arms around my waist and repeats, “You aren’t your father.”

Fluxx. I hope she is right. I tighten my arms around her, wishing I didn’t have to return her to her quarters soon, wishing I could hold her all night.



My heart isheavy when I awake, though at first, I’m not certain why. But as the drowsiness of sleep fades, I suddenly remember everything.

It’s execution day.

Sixty souls will perish in the depressurization chamber. Starting at eight o’clock this morning. I cringe at the thought and feel sick to my stomach.

I don’t get out of bed immediately, even though I hear my mother moving around in the sitting room. There’s a light knock on the door, and I wonder if perhaps she requested breakfast be delivered, though I’m stunned that she would spare the credits when we can so easily walk to the mess hall. All classes and recreational activities were canceled today, but the mess halls are still open.

When voices reach me, I hold my breath and listen. Footsteps sound in the entryway a few seconds later, and I also hear the door zip shut. Apparently, we have a visitor. Hm. Maybe one of Mom’s friends has stopped by for a quick chat before we must head to the mess hall.

I get out of bed and take a quick shower. The water is no longer freezing cold thanks to the Darrvason engineers’ efforts, and I sigh with pleasure as the hot water cascades down my back. Heavenly.

But then I experience a surge of guilt.

A lot of people are going to die today, and here I am enjoying a hot shower like I don’t have a single care in the universe.

A short while later as I’m getting dressed, I hear a sound I haven’t heard in a long time—my mother’s laughter. Despite the seriousness of the day, I’m glad she’s in good spirits, if only temporarily. I doubt she’ll feel like laughing after the info screen turns on and the executions start.

Turning the info screens off isn’t an option, as the screens are controlled by the captain and his command team. Of course, we don’t have to stay in the sitting room and watch. Maybe I’ll stay in my room all day. I think about breakfast and realize I don’t have much of an appetite, though I’ll head to the mess hall if Mom wants to go.

I doubt Brute will be waiting in the corridor to escort us there like usual. I remember what he said about watching the executions, about looking the rebels in the eyes just before they perish, and I can’t hold back a shiver. I suspect if the sixty rebel men were given to the Darrvasons, they would likely face a much more tortuous and gruesome death than the depressurization chamber.

After I get dressed, I check the time. Seven. An hour until the executions start. I wonder who will be in the first group of five, though I suppose it doesn’t matter. By the end of the day, all sixty men will be dead.

I head to the sitting room, curious about Mom’s guest. I halt in my tracks and my mouth falls open at the sight that greets me—Mom is seated on the sofa near the viewscreen, and there’s a familiar Darrvason male next to her. Chief Xorrsa. What the hell is he doing here?

I clear my throat, and they both turn in my direction.

“Mom, what’s going on?” I enter the sitting room and glare at the huge Darrvason, stunned that he’d not only come to our quarters, but he’d just spent about a half hour alone with my mother. Had I known she was entertaining one of the Darrvason engineers, I wouldn’t have taken my time in the shower.

To my shock, Mom’s face is deeply flushed, and her eyes are glimmering with a mix of guilt and mischief. Chief Xorrsa rises to his feet and nods in my direction. Then he quickly resumes his place next to my mother.

“Good morning, Jenny.”

“What’s going on?” I repeat.

Mom sighs and gives me a reproachful look, clearly not happy about my less than polite tone. “Chief Xorrsa is here to escort us to the mess hall,” she says. “Officer Brute is busy this morning.”

“You should’ve told me he was here, Mom.” I place my hands on my hips as my anger rises. How dare this Darrvason sit so close to my mother? His leg rests a mere inch from hers, and there’s no mistaking the lustful gleam in his eye. Worse than that, Mom appears so at ease in his presence, I’m starting to suspect this isn’t their first time alone together.

My mother waves a casual hand in the air. “Oh, I didn’t want to rush you. We’re not on a schedule today.” She sobers a bit and glances at the info screen.
