Page 48 of Iron Secrets

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When Sam exited the bathroom, dressed in her clothes from the day before, her hair damp and pulled up into a messy bun, she found Aero at his desk working on his computer. As if sensing her presence, he spun in his chair toward her.

“Hi,” he said, holding out a hand. Sam took it, sitting automatically in his lap and wrapping her arms around him. “Ready to go downstairs?”

Sam sighed. “Let’s get this over with.”

He chuckled, let her stand, and kept hold of her hand as they walked down the stairs.

In the kitchen, he released her, squeezed Ma’s shoulder, and got two coffee mugs from the cupboard.

Ma glanced up from the stove, smiled at Sam, and then glanced at Nash who was seated at the table with his coffee and paper. Nash’s gray eyebrows rose slightly, but he didn’t comment.

“Sam,” Gemma said when she stepped into the room with Levi propped on her hip and a mug of coffee in one hand. “When did you get here?”

Sam cringed, looking pleadingly in Aero’s direction but he was busy preparing their coffees and ignored Gemma.

“Um, let’s go to the living room, okay?” Sam said, tilting her head in that direction.

Gemma eyed her suspiciously but agreed and followed her. Settling Levi on the floor with some blocks, Gemma sat on the couch and crossed her legs.

“What’s going on?” Gemma asked, leveling Sam with her sea-green stare.

“I’ve gotta tell you something,” Sam said and Gemma’s eyes widened, but she didn’t speak.

“I got here last night,” Sam said softly, rubbing her palms on her jeans while Gemma stared at her.

“I stayed the night. Here. With Aero,” Sam said, bracing herself for her friend’s response.

Gemma’s eyes were as huge as dinner plates while she processed the information.

“Okay, um,” Gemma said. “Are you, did you, um.”

Gemma was never one to be speechless, but she was floundering. It almost made Sam laugh.

Continuing, Sam said, “We’re seeing each other. Romantically.”

Gemma nodded slowly.

“I should’ve told you sooner.” Sam sighed. “I’m sorry I didn’t. It’s just been an adjustment and we’re still getting to know each other.”

“How’d this happen?”

“He updated the security at the school. We had lunch, then dinner,” Sam cleared her throat, “then he stayed the night at the apartment.”

Gemma blinked in surprise. “Really. How’d that go?”

Gemma knew a few details about Aero, but it was hard not to know about his night terrors. While it had been a while, he often woke her and Zed up because their room was beside his. Zed told her they had all been instructed to just let it happen and Aero would be fine, but she was concerned that Sam would be witnessing it up close and personal.

“Great” Sam smiled shyly.

“Huh.” Gemma struggled for a moment, feeling confusion more than anger. She understood why Sam had waited to tell her. It had to be complicated.

“I like him,” Sam told her, reaching down to pat Levi on the top of his head. He giggled, standing up and dropping a few blocks in Sam’s lap.

“Is he good to you?” Gemma asked, trying to put the pieces together in her mind but not conjuring an image of Aero in a romantic relationship.

“Yes.” Sam nodded enthusiastically. “We’re working on a few things, but he’s very gentle.”

Gemma knew that. She’d watched him with Levi, and Evie on occasion, and he was always tender and protective. Despite his size, Aero was a gentle giant.
