Page 2 of Yours Truly

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I tapped my pen against my lip, wondering if I should add anything. I glanced at his picture on my phone screen again, and my eyes widened when an idea came to me.

Would it be too bold of me—or too much—if I sent him a picture of myself? And what kind of picture should I send? I already had a crush on him from his picture alone and all that happiness shining in his eyes.

Would a shirtless one be too risky?

I sighed, frowning at myself. Why did I have to be indecisive?

But… would I ever know if Amree wanted to get to know me if I didn’t take some risks?

In the words of Draven… Fuck it.

I set the notebook aside and grabbed my phone before sliding off my bed. Once I was standing in front of my mirror, I lifted my shirt, revealing my flat stomach and slim but fit body. Then, I snapped the picture, making sure my smile was innocent yet flirty.

After connecting my phone to the printer and printing off the picture, I sealed the letter and the picture in an envelope, wrote my address and his on the front of the white envelope, and then rushed out to the mailbox to put the letter inside, my heart in my throat.

Please write me back, I pleaded as I shut the mailbox door, crossing my fingers.Please.



Isettled onto my bunk, fingering the envelope in my fingers. My parents were the only ones who ever wrote me, but their letters were few and far between. They preferred to wait until the days I had good enough reception to do a phone call with them, which was just fine with me.

I didn’t know what I’d been hoping to accomplish when I signed up for that pen pal program I’d come across, but I’d never expected it to actually find me a pen pal, much less one in the same city my duty station was in. It was almost too good to be true.

“Cameron Lancaster,” I whispered, reading his name from the return address.

I ripped open the envelope before pulling out his letter. A small smile tilted my lips as I admired his neat handwriting. His letter was short and to the point, and I loved that he talked about himself. What I didn’t like, however, was that I could tell he was a bit unsure of himself, as if he didn’t expect to ever hear from me.

“Silly boy,” I murmured before getting out of bed. I opened my locker and pulled out my notebook and pen before nudging the door back shut with my foot. If he wasn’t expecting me to write back, then he had a very big surprise coming his way.

I wasn’t letting this adorable boy slip through my fingers.

I picked up his envelope to move it out of my way so I could sit back down, but then I frowned when I felt something else inside of it. I flipped the flap back up and pulled out the picture.

Oh, fuuuuuuck.

Cameron was fuckingbeautiful. His blonde hair was perfectly styled, and his blue eyes were bright with life, nervousness, and bravery. The smile tilting his kissable lips was innocent while still being naughty.

Butfuck, thatbody. He was slim and fit, and I so desperately wanted to run my fingers over every gorgeous inch of him. Wanted to mark him so every person that looked at him knew he was taken. That he wasmine.

You’re going to be mine, boy,I promised, running my thumb over his flat stomach.I’m going to fuckingownyou.

I focused back on the notebook, more excited to write a letter than I ever had been in my life.


Thank you for writing me. It’s made my day. And you’re such a naughty boy for that picture. You’re so fucking gorgeous, you know that? I want to touch every inch of you and kiss those sweet, enticing lips. Bold of me? Sure. But I go after what I want.

And I want you.

To answer your question about Christmas—yes, I love the holiday. And while it sucks that I’m not at home this holiday season, I am glad that I can still share it with my brothers-in-arms. That’s just as special to me.

I didn’t go to college like you, though I’m debating doing some online classes so I have something to fall back on once I get out of the military. Haven’t decided if I plan to retire from this or if I want to get out at some point, but I’m content where I am for now.

You like to draw, huh? Do you think you could draw me something and send it to me? I might even get it tattooed. ;) Also, I love to read. Do you have any recommendations? I read everything from romance to horror. I don’t have picky tastes.

Did you know that you live in the city where I’m stationed? When I come home, I’d love the opportunity to meet you. I know we’ve literally just started writing to each other, but I know when I’ve found something good, naughty boy.
