Page 8 of I'll Be Waiting

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“I’ll get the grumpy one up.”

Amree snorted. “See you in a bit.”

I set my phone on the folding table beside the bed and then rolled over, twining my arm around Draven’s waist. “Merry Christmas, sleepyhead,” I rasped. I pressed a kiss to his bare shoulder. “We need to get up, shower, and get some coffee in our systems. We’re expected at Camron’s in two hours.”

“Fucking traditions,” my boy sleepily mumbled, his voice muffled by the pillow.

I chuckled. “Come on. You know you don’t want to miss it.”

He sighed and lifted the pillow from his face before rolling onto his back, squinting at me. “I haven’t even wrapped their gifts yet.”

I snorted and pressed a light, quick kiss to his lips. I wasn’t surprised in the slightest. “Then, I guess we better hop to it, boy.”

He groaned like a dying walrus before rolling out of bed and padding barefoot and naked to his attached bathroom. I squeezed my aching cock at the sight of his tight ass flexing with every step he took.

Fuck, I was a lucky son of a bitch to have all of that boy as mine.

Draven settled beside me on the couch, smelling like Christmas dinner, sugar cookies, and pie. It was good enough to make me want to sneak him into a room and see if he tasted like it, too.

Cam would probably kill me though. While Draven was definitely the protector of their little group, Cam was good at taking charge. He’d ordered me, Nikolai, and Amree to the living room, supplied us with endless beers, and he’d bossed Draven and Jayden around in the kitchen, the three of them working hard to get everything together.

Now, we had full bellies, snacks were spread out over the coffee table, and I finally had my boy beside me to cuddle with.

The theme song forFrosty the Snowmanbegan to play from the TV. I pulled Draven closer to me and nuzzled his neck, pressing a soft kiss to the curve of his shoulder. “I love you,” I whispered. It was fast, but I knew this boy was it for me.

He owned my soul. Had stolen my heart. Not a piece of me belonged to myself. He held it all in his palms.

Draven snapped those dark eyes to me, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed. “Ethan…” he croaked.

I brushed his nose with mine. “I do. I love you. And I’m not ever going anywhere, boy.”

Vulnerability flashed in those eyes I loved so much. He grabbed my hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. That was all I needed. I knew he wouldn’t say those words back to me yet. It was too soon for him. But he just needed to know how I felt. That he could continue to trust me. To rely on me.

I was his.




Cameron sighed and reached up, adjusting my tie. I grunted in displeasure. “I don’t even know why I have to wear this fucking thing,” I muttered. “Why couldn’t I just get married in my normal damn clothes?”

“Because I said so,” Jayden huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “I had to fly all the way from Germany early to be here with you, so you had better be dressed to the nines.”

I scowled at him. “You didn’thaveto come,” I reminded him.

He shrugged, not taking my bitterness to heart. “One day, you’ll thank me when you don’t look back on your wedding pictures in twenty years and cringe at your clothing choices.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Are you implying that my clothing choices are trash?” I asked him.

He just shot me a sickly sweet smile but didn’t say anything. I batted Cameron’s hands away when he began smoothing down my tie. Cameron huffed but stepped back. “You’re such a fucking brat, Jay.”

Jayden and Nikolai had gotten married three years ago when Nikolai flew in from being deployed—again. The very next day the courthouse was open, they got hitched so Nikolai could take Jayden with him to his next duty station. He had two more years to give to the government, and then they were coming home for good.

Which I was damn glad for. The past three years had been a bit miserable without Jayden here with us. Sure, they flew home for major holidays, but it wasn’t the same. And while I knew deep down Nikolai was taking good care of Jayden, it still didn’t sit right with me that Jay wasn’therefor me to take care of. All I could do was call him, FaceTime him, and hope for the best.

Cameron and Amree had gotten hitched last Christmas, and Ethan had talked me into keeping the tradition. So, here we were, three days before Christmas, getting ready to tie the knot. Except we were going the route Nikolai and Jay had gone, which was a simple courthouse ceremony.
