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“Maybe.” I taunt him and chuckle when I hear him growl through the line.

“Don’t fuck with me, boy. You are going to pay for this.”

“I think it’s you who will be paying, Pasquale.” I grit my teeth and keep calm knowing losing my shit now won’t get me what I want.

“I’ll trade places,” he says after a few minutes of silence.

“Excuse me?” I’m shocked he offers himself up so quickly.

“It’s me you really want, right? It’s me who has to suffer, not my little girl.” I can hear the pain in his voice, and it makes this all that much sweeter.

“Please don’t hurt her. She's all I have?” I want to correct his fucking ass and tell him he also has a son he’s been trying to push his fucked-up lifestyle on, but I don’t mention Bishop.

“I plan to do more than hurt her, old man. And you’d be a fool to think I’d offer her up so quickly. I’m in charge here not you, not your fucking men, me, and you’ll wait until I’m good and ready and have had my fucking fill.”

“Please,” he begs. God, he sounds desperate.How the tables have turned.

“Begging is beneath you, old man. I'd refrain from doing it because you can beg until you're black and blue in the face, but it won’t save her because if I don’t kill her, the wild definitely will.”

I hear him release a breath.

He has no idea what I have in store for my little kitten.

“I'll give you anything, Jacob, please.”

I let out a deep chuckle.

“What I want you took from me a long time ago. This is my revenge for what you did to them.” I hang up, breaking my phone with a hammer I have sitting on the table.

I toss the hammer around in my hand and look down at the screen to watch my little sinner cry as she struggles to keep her arms up.

It’s time I stop picturing her beauty and how that affects me. She needs to be punished, and I’m going to start doing what I should have done to start with.

It’s time Savannah suffered like my wife did. It’s time she pays for her father's sins, and it’s time I break her.

I want her to cripple under me, and I want to destroy her spirit and make her see the real monster underneath.

It’s time he came out to play.

I’m notsure how long I’ve been chained up like this. All I know is I can’t feel my shoulders, my wrists are red raw from all the tugging I’ve been doing to try to get free, and my back is locked up from sitting like this for too long. My head hurts from crying and screaming and my belly is screaming for something to eat. I peed myself a little while ago because I could no longer hold it. I feel like an animal in a cage for his entertainment. My throat is so dry it hurts to swallow. My eyes are heavy, and I just need to close them, just for a second.

I hear the locks, but my eyes barely stay open as I hear him enter. I lift my head to watch as he strides toward me looking like sex on a stick. Fuck him!

“Learned your lesson, kitten?” he asks but makes no move to unchain me.

I try to talk but my voice comes out garbled.

“What was that?” He moves a little closer, and I feel him lift my chin and tip it up so we lock eyes.

“Yes,” I whisper.

“You won’t touch what's mine again, will you?”

“No, sir.” I breathe.

“Good girl.” He keeps my chin up and looks into my eyes.

“From now on you do as I say when I say. If I say jump, you better ask how fucking high. Do I make myself clear?” he growls and grips my chin hard, forcing me to keep my eyes on him.
