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Dag shakes his head in frustration. “It wasn’t a fluke. Loren knew you weren’t paying attention, and he used that to his advantage. It’s how he’s always been, and it’s how he’ll always be.”

“Regardless, Loren will be dealt with,” I announce, needing Dag to understand I will willingly sacrifice myself to save Rayna. “Believe it or not, I care about your sister greatly, and I mean what I say.”

A darkness creeps up into Dag’s expression. “He has been a cancer that’s plagued my family for far too long. It needs to end, and soon.”

I furrow my brows and look right at him. My gut is telling me there’s something more going on. “Did something happen?”

Dag takes in a deep breath and closes his eyes for a moment before answering. “A few days ago, we found out Esperanza was pregnant,” he reveals, his voice heavy with emotion. “She’s been worrying about this situation with Loren so much, too much. She knows that she’s now a target because she’s married to me.”

“I had to take her to the hospital yesterday because she was bleeding heavily,” Dag continues, his tone filled with sadness and anger. “She ended up losing the baby. I blame Loren for that and the torment he’s putting us all through. I’m sick of it. Sick of him sucking away all our happiness.”

My heart sinks into my stomach. Everyone in the club knows how much Dag has always wanted to be a father. I didn’t think he and Esperanza were actively trying to have children, but losing a child is something no one should have to go through.

“He won’t be doing it for much longer,” I state, fully meaning what I say.

“I can’t believe this shit.” The weight of the words hang heavy in the air as Dag speaks. His voice is tinged with regret and sadness as if he can’t quite wrap his mind around what happened. “We weren’t even trying for a kid,” he began, the disbelief evident in his tone. “The two of us had talked about waiting a year or two before we started trying. We were happy with that choice and decided it was the best for us. But then yesterday came, and everything changed. I saw how much it wrecked her.” Dag shakes his head slowly from side to side, his eyes filled with unshed tears.

“I can’t even imagine what it would be like to lose a child and then have to make sure your woman is okay on top of that,” I admit, taking a deep breath before continuing, “Sure, you guys had talked about waiting a couple years, but last week it became a harsh reality. A reality that you both had to accept. She did accept it, though. She came around to the idea of being a mother, and then her world came crashing down around her.”

“You’re right,” Dag says with a heavy sigh. “It did. A reality that we both began to get excited about, envisioning a cozy home for our growing family. We’ve been on the hunt for a new place since hers is so small. And finally, she agreed for us to start looking for a home instead of an apartment when she found out she was pregnant.”

My smile turns somber. “The important thing is that the two of you are there for each other, supporting each other through this challenging time.”

He nods solemnly, running a hand through his hair. “I know, it’s just . . . the entire situation sucks.” The weight of his words hangs in the air as we both grapple with the uncertainty and difficulties ahead.



The club has thrown dinners like this a few times since I've been here, but a lot of the time something comes up and not everyone is here. Fern made damn sure everyone knows today that won't be happening. Her words and I quote were "If you miss this meal you'll live to regret it".

I'm in the kitchen with Fern, Charm, Esperanza, Aziza, Gwen, and Vail. Magnolia and Skadi are out in the main area keeping a close eye on the kids. I'm damn certain Magnolia's watching over the babies while Skadi is enjoying giving out orders to the ones who are old enough to listen to her.

"What time did you start prepping these?" I ask, more curious than anything.

Fern chuckles. "Last night. I did the chicken and Charm did the beef. I didn't want to have to fiddle with cooking all the meat today and rush through preparing all these enchiladas."

We're having Mexican for dinner tonight. Chicken and beef enchiladas in red and green sauce, with sides of rice, refried beans, Mexican street corn bake, potato and chorizo casserole, and grilled elote flatbread. Most of the ladies chipped in for dinner tonight.

Fern and Charm took charge on prepping the enchiladas. I made the grilled elote flatbread.Magnolia made the rice and refried beans. Gwen made the Mexican street corn bake. Vail made the potato and chorizo casserole. Not to mention Aziza made a few desserts for us: tres leches cake with whipped cream and strawberries on top, churro cheesecake bars, sopapilla cheesecake pie, and Carlota de Limon.

With the way this kitchen smells, I know we're all going to be stuffed and every bite of this food is going to be delicious.

"Do you think we're about ready?" I ask the ladies, making sure everything is laid out buffet style on the kitchen counters.

Fern and Charm do another quick once over. "Yeah, I think we're ready."

Vail whistles loudly. "Come on in, dinner's ready!"

Aziza giggles lightly, "It's like she's calling in the pigs for supper."

"When you really think about it, she is." I joke.

Most of the ladies here my remark and laugh as well.

The guys come in with Runes leading the charge. Tor and a couple of the prospects come rolling in like the soles of their feet are on fire. "Hold up," he grits at them before turning back to face us, "You all made dinner, so you all fill your plates first. If you wouldn't mind, could you make Skadi and Magnolia plates as well? They're both feeding two of the little ones."

"Of course," Charm replies.
