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“Yes, it has,” my mom agrees, sipping her latte delicately.

“I hope you don’t mind me teasing you about Magnus. He seems like a good match for you.” I know she wants me to be happy, but relationships haven’t really worked out for me in the past.

I chuckle. “No, I don’t mind at all. I’m still figuring things out. He told me that he wants me and that he’d be patient. It caught me off guard.”

My mom’s smile turns soft and understanding. “If you ask me, Magnus seems like the kind of man who truly sees your worth. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you. And I have to say, I haven’t seen you light up and smile the way you did last night in a long time.”

My mom and I continue chatting, and she keeps telling me supportive things in regard to Magnus. She’s made herself very clear, and I think he’s a great guy. I just have to take some time to think about what I want to do.

Sure, he’s amazing on paper, but am I ready for a relationship after how horribly my last one ended?

We finish our breakfast and take our lattes with us before we leave and head back to the clubhouse. I keep myself busy in my room for about four hours working on a client’s website design and luckily finish her first draft. Once I finish any drafts for my clients, I shoot them over to them so they can review them. Within three days, I will wait for suggestions from them, and then I’ll make any necessary changes.

It’s about two in the afternoon now, and I make my way down to the main area of the clubhouse. Starla’s at the bar, wiping it down, and looks up. “Hey! Are you about ready to head out and get some shopping done?”

Crap, I totally forgot I told her I’d go shopping with her and Meghan. Starla invited Aziza too, but she had some sort of catering job to do today, so she can’t make it.

“Yeah, just let me grab my purse, and we can head out. Did you want to go anywhere specifically?”

Starla shrugs, “Just over to the mall. I want to grab a couple of new outfits, maybe some perfume. Us going is my excuse to shop.”

I chuckle, completely understanding what she’s doing. “Yeah, I get it. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.”

I head back to my room, grab my purse, and make sure my credit cards are in there. I’m all ready to go, so I head back downstairs, and we make our way to my car. Meghan is being a straggler, so Starla and I chat in my car while we’re waiting for her.

Soon enough, Meghan is getting in the back seat, and Regnor is in tow behind her. Mom has plans to go out with Esperanza and Dag, so he’s in the clear to tag along with us.

We head to the mall and get right into the thick of it. The mall is a bustling hive of activity, filled with the chatter of excited shoppers and the soft hum of background music. The air is alive with anticipation as if everyone here is waiting to get whatever they desire or return their unwanted Christmas presents.

Starla leads the way with confident strides, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Our first stop is a trendy boutique adorned with chic racks of dresses in a variety of colors and styles. As we enter, we are greeted by a friendly saleswoman who guides us through the racks, offering suggestions and compliments along the way.

I’m immediately drawn to a flowing bohemian sundress with delicate floral prints dancing across its fabric. The vibrant colors and soft, billowing material make it seem like the perfect summer dress. I hold it up against me, catching a glimpse of my reflection in the nearby mirror. It’s a whimsical and carefree look, one that I can’t help but imagine wearing on a sunny day.

For a split second, I think it could be a great dress to wear on a date. But I quickly shove those feelings aside. I’m not going on any dates anytime soon, so it doesn’t matter.

“Hey, that dress would look amazing on you,” Starla exclaims, her eyes widening with approval.

“Yeah, it does,” Meghan adds.

I can’t help but blush at the compliment. “You really think so?”

Starla nods enthusiastically. “Absolutely! You should try it on.”

I hesitate for a moment, contemplating whether or not I should indulge in the spontaneous purchase. But something inside me is telling me I should do it. I haven’t spoiled myself in a while, and that’s why the three of us are here today, right?

Fuck it.

I take the dress over to the dressing rooms, and a store associate lets me inside. As I’m trying on the dress in question, Starla and Meghan begin passing me clothing options from over the door.

“I was just trying one dress on, guys.” I laugh, not surprised they’re acting like my own personal stylists.

“Yeah, but these all look so good,” Starla defends herself.

“They really do, and you know you want a couple of options to dazzle Magnus with,” Meghan comments.

These two as well? First, my mom got on me about him today, but I should expect it from my friends. “When Mom and I were out for coffee this morning, she asked me about him. I told her I’m not sure if I wanted to explore it.”

“Why the hell not?” Starla asks as I finish zipping myself up.
