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“Perfect. In the meantime, I’ll speak to Reed and make sure it’s okay to do. I didn’t ask him about it. I saw the website and knew it needed help, especially before we open the second location of Bubba’s down here.”

“It might have been smart to check with him first.” Logi snickers.

Runes shrugs. “Maybe. I’m sure he won’t mind. Reed is a cool cat and a great friend. Is there anything else anyone wants to bring up before we callkirkjato a close?”

Not one person speaks up.

“Okay, that’s all for today. Vanir, let me know when your system gets a match on the mystery man. Magnus, get back to me and let me know what Rayna says. In the meantime, I’ll speak to Reed and confirm he’s okay with it.” Runes slams the gavel down on the table, and everyone rises, making our way out of the room we holdkirkjain.

I make my way through our warehouse-turned-clubhouse. If we were ever going to stop being nomads who ruled the road, I’m glad we put down roots like this. Not only is there more than enough space for all of us brothers but our ol’ ladies and families can be here too.

None of the kids live in the clubhouse, but when we all get together, there’s plenty of room to run around. We’re never a bunch of people packed in a tight space, like sardines in a can.

Meghan is sitting on one of the couches in the main area, fully engrossed in her phone. Her fingers dart across the screen, swiping left each time. Every time she does, the man’s photo disappears, and a new photo appears on her screen.

I take this opportunity to get closer, coming up behind her. She jumps, clearly startled.

“Sorry,” I say with a chuckle. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Yeah, well, you almost gave me a heart attack,” she replies, taking a moment to calm down.

I glance at her phone up close and can immediately tell what she’s doing. “Online dating, huh?”

Meghan sighs and looks up at me with tired eyes. “Yeah. I just want to feel some sort of connection with someone. Even if it’s just for a date or two. I don’t want to feel like a tool being used, then placed back in the shed.”

Her words hit me hard, and I can sense the underlying pain in her voice. “That’s intense.”

Meghan’s ahóra. She’s used when the men want to, and then she goes on about her day. I can understand why she wants to be appreciated and cherished. It sounds like she knows better than to have a long-term boyfriend. She’s part of the club because of the services she provides, but with so many brothers shacking up, her job might shift a little bit. She might end up becoming a bartender, maybe cleaning or cooking for the club.

Runes isn’t the worst. He’ll understand if she wants to change what she does here. It would be a club vote, but I can almost guarantee everyone would let her responsibilities shift.

“In your eyes, it probably is, but it’s my reality. I guess I’m looking for an escape, where a man comes up to me and just wants to know me. Where he doesn’t just toss me in a bedroom and have his way with me, not giving a damn about how my day’s going.”

I never thought about it like that.

“Some people actually give a shit about your day,” Tor speaks up, locking eyes with Meghan.

“Okay, baby boy, whatever you say.” Meghan giggles and laughs. Meghan might be calling Tor baby boy, but she isn’t much older. She might be twenty-one or maybe twenty-two.

“Have you seen Rayna anywhere?” I finally ask.

“Last I knew, she was heading outside to get some fresh air while she works.”

“Thank you.” I give Meghan a squeeze on the shoulder and head through the clubhouse down the hallway until I’m out on the oversized covered porch. Sure enough, Rayna’s sitting at a picnic table near the end of the concrete pad.

I head over to her and straddle the wooden bench. As I sit down next to Rayna, I can’t help but admire the way the sunlight dances in her auburn hair. She looks up from the sketchbook in her lap, her sea-green eyes lighting up with a warm smile.

“Hey there,” she says, averting her eyes from her laptop. “Are you here to see me, or are you here for a reason?”

“Honestly, a little bit of both. I wanted to check on you, see how you’re doing,” I reply, my voice softening as I gaze into her eyes. “But the club has a job for you if you want it.”

Rayna’s smile grows, “A job, huh? What kind of job?”

I take in a deep breath. “Well, you’d be working on the website for the bar the club is going to have down here. They have a location up in Tennessee, and their website is seriously outdated. Once you get their website up and running, Runes wants you to make one for ours. Are you up for it?”

Rayna giggles lightly. “Are you kidding me? After everything the club has done for my mom and me? Of course, I’ll help out.”

I let out a relieved sigh, glad that Rayna is willing to take on the job. “That’s great to hear. I knew you wouldn’t let us down.”
