Page 80 of Brutal Callous Heir

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“Seriously, they—”

“Tally was very insistent. I think I misjudged her.”

“You’re not fooling anyone, sunshine, and what do you think they’ll do when they realise you’re using them—”

I whirl around, snarling at him. “Why do you even care?”

“Because they’re part of my inner circle. You’re not. I don’t want you coming around, messing things up.”

“So you’re warning me off to what, protect them?”

Theo glares back at me, making anger bubble in my veins.

“Get over yourself.” I sneer. “They invited me because they’ve noticed your little scheme to make my life a living hell.”

“You weren’t saying that when I was balls deep inside you.” He steps closer and the air thins around us.

“Theo.” It’s supposed to be a warning, but it comes out more of a resigned sigh.

“Don’t pretend you didn’t love every second.” Twisting his fingers into my hair, he searches my eyes. “Your pussy was dripping for me.”

“My pussy isn’t choosy.”

His brows draw together. “Are you calling yourself a whore?”

Shit, he’s got me there.

“No,” I backtrack. “I’m saying that you were a sure thing. Why wouldn’t I want to see what all the fuss was about for myself.”

“Fuss…” He gawks at me, and a giant smirk traces my lips.

“You were good, but I’m thinking Elliot is probably the Heir with the—”

His hand snaps out, cutting off my taunt as his fingers wrap around my throat. “Don’t even think about it,” he spits.

“You sound awfully jealous…”

“Raine, I’m serious. Elliot is off-fucking-limits.”

“Relax, I wouldn’t do that to Abi.”

Theo relaxes, his hand falling away from my neck. “You noticed that too, huh?”

“I see a lot of things.”

His expression darkens again. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. Nothing, at all. Are we done here? I really need to get to therapy.”

He stares at me, through me, and I wonder if I’ve broken him. With a little shake of my head, I take off, leaving him behind.

But Theo calls after me. “We’re not done yet.”

I lift my hand and give him the middle finger over my shoulder.

“I mean it, sunshine. This isn’t over.”

“Theodore Arthur Ashworth, I swear to God if you’re tormenting Raine again, I will—”
