Page 97 of Brutal Callous Heir

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I leave her door wide open like the prick I am and take off through the quiet dorms with a smug as fuck smirk on my face and her phone burning a hole in my pocket.

One way or another, I’m hacking into that thing and discovering all her secrets.



“You should come.”

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen.” I grimace, wondering how I ended up at Dessert Island with Abi and Tally again.

But they turned up at my door an hour after Theo left and refused to take no for an answer.

I want to say I hate it, hate them, but the truth is, I don’t.

Tally is nothing like I first thought, and there’s something about Abi that makes it impossible to dislike her.

I won’t ever admit it aloud, but I actually enjoy their company.

“It’s only a party.” Abi shrugs, digging into her muffin.

“An Heir party,” I correct.

“So, they won’t care if you come.”

My brow lifts at that. I know at least one Heir who would care.

I still can’t believe Theo pulled that shit this morning. But then, I guess I deserved it. The opportunity had been too good not to get him back for filming me.

I had no intention of using it against him. At least, I didn’t until he went and ruined a perfectly good morning.


“Are you sure you’re okay, you seem a little… tense.” Abi studies me and I don’t like it. The way she seems to know that I’m seething on the inside.

Theo Ashworth can go to hell.

I’m so annoyed with myself for letting him trick me with his skilled tongue and magic fingers and that annoyingly perfect dick of his.

I’m such a cliché.


I smother the groan building in my throat and stuff my mouth with pastry instead.

“Did something happen with Theo?” Tally asks, a smug little smile on her face.


“You know, you can tell us if—”

“I said no.”

“Okay, whatever you say.” She shares a knowing look with Abi.

“If you’d have warned me this was an interrogation I wouldn’t have agreed to come.”

“If you come to the party, you can get him back for whatever stupid stunt he pulled this time,” Tally adds.
