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“And if they’re not together?” Abi asks.

“Can we just try to be a little positive here?” Liv suggests. “We’ll get the location and then we’ll go get her. Easy.”

“Nothing is ever that easy,” I force out.

“No, well… maybe today is our lucky day,” Liv muses.

No one agrees, in fact, the only response she’s met with is silence and desperation.

If Raine ever needed proof that she belonged here, then this is it. Eight people all desperate to know where she is and to bring her back safe.

She has no idea. No fucking idea what kind of impact she’s had on the lives of the people under this roof. She’s been a friend to Liv, Tally, and Abi. A big sister to Millie. And everything to me.

Turning my back on them, I march toward the sofa and drop onto it, my head falling into my hands.I sense their concerned stares as they all join me, but no one says anything as the tension in the room continues to build.

“Why did she run?” I whisper. It’s more to myself than the others but it doesn’t stop Abi from trying to make it better.

“Maybe she felt like she didn’t have a choice.”She hesitantly shuffles closer, before a cautious hand reaches for my knee.

Her touch burns, not as much as Elliot’s glare from the opposite couch.

But fuck him.

“She could have told me. I could have helped. I could have… I could have done anything she needed.”

“Has she talked to you much about her past?” Liv asks.

“She’s alluded to stuff. None of it good. I should have made her tell me more. Maybe we wouldn’t be here then.”

“It’s too late for that now,” Reese points out.

“You think?” I sneer.

Silence falls once more.

“Maybe we should search her dorm room. See if we can find any clues about where she might go,” Tally suggests.

“Raine isn’t that stupid. If she’s run, she won’t leave anything behind.”

“But if he has her… What if she left something behind so we could find her?”

“This isn’t some bloody soap opera,” I snap, making Oak’s chest puff out ready to protect his girl. “She could b-be—”

“Let’s go and check it out,” Abi says, pushing to her feet. “It can’t hurt. All we’re doing right now is sitting here wasting time waiting for the phone to ring.”

“Fine, let’s go.”

Because if I sit here a minute longer, there’s every chance I might explode.

* * *

“There’s nothing here,” I complain after tearing her room apart like a tornado. “She’s packed almost everything she owns.” Which wasn’t a lot in the first place.

There are no hidden notes, no clues, no nothing.

I fall back in her bed, letting her scent surround me as my desperation hits a whole new level.

“There’s got to be something,” Millie urges, desperate to find something.
