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“Dinner might be the steak ciabatta. But for dessert there’s only one thing I want.” He leans back in, running his nose along my jaw.


* * *

Dinner is incredible. Somewhere between the first bite of chicken and the last bite of garlic bread, I might have died and gone to food heaven.

“You know you make sex noises when you eat, right?”

“I do not.” I fume, unable to hide my smile.

It’s been fun hanging out with Theo, away from prying eyes and our classmates’ constant judgement. He’s smart and quick-witted and so bloody gorgeous I find myself constantly checking him out.

The cocky prick knows it too.

If life was simpler, if I didn’t have a monster in my past determined to ruin everything, I could easily fall in love with Theodore Ashworth.

I don’t know when I realised that but now the thought is there, I can’t unthink it.

He’s everything I want in a partner. An equal. He wouldn’t fight my battles for me, he’d stand by my side and cheer me on while I slay my own demons. And then fuck me senseless as a reward.

That’s not to say he isn’t all the things I first thought when I arrived at All Hallows’.

He is.

Entitled. Arrogant. Manipulative and cocksure. But he’s all so much more than that. I see the way he tries to protect his sister. How loyal he is to his friends.

Theo loves as deeply as he hates, and I don’t doubt he would give me the world if only I’d let him.

“Oh, you do, sunshine.” He smirks. “I’ve been sitting here rock hard for the last forty minutes.”

“You are such an idiot.”

“But I’m your idiot, right?”

“Yeah.” I drop my gaze, trying to keep composure.

He’s so intense like this, always pushing my boundaries. Making me say things I shouldn’t say. Want things I shouldn’t want.

Things I will never get to have.

“You ready to get out of here?” he asks, and I nod. “Good because I’m so fucking ready for dessert.”

The playful smile he gives me is like a bolt to the heart.

Theo flags down the waiter and settles our bill, then pulls me out of our booth and toward the car park.

His hand rests possessively on the small of my back as he opens the passenger door of his car. But before I can slip inside, he spins me around and kisses me hard. All tongue and teeth and sweet desperation.

“Theo,” I gasp as he licks into my mouth.

“Fucking love your body, sunshine.”

When he finally lets me come up for air, I’m breathless and aching.

“Ready to get dirty with me?” My brows crinkle and he chuckles. “Don’t look so worried. The night is still young and I want to show you something.”

* * *
