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The second we approach, her eyes shutter and her smile falters.

She knows what’s coming.

“It’s time, Mills,” I say. My voice sounds perfect to me, but the buzzing in my veins and the look I get from Abi tells me that I’m probably not coming across all that sober right now.

So what? It’s my fucking birthday, and I just pulled off the impossible.

“Y-yeah, okay,” Millie agrees just like Raine said she would.

“I’ll come up with you for a bit. I could use some quiet time,” Abi offers.

“Sure. But I draw the line at a bedtime story,” my sister grins. “Theo might think I’m a child but—”

“I don’t, Millie,” I say, interrupting her and pulling her small frame into my arms. “I fucking love you, Sis.”

She fights against me. “Yeah, Bro. I love you too. Enjoy the rest of your night. Try and…” She trails off, shaking her head. “Try and behave.”

“Don’t worry,” Raine assures her. “I won’t let him get into much trouble.”

After allowing me another hug, I watch the two of them ascend the stairs.

When I spin away, ready to focus on my girl again, it’s impossible to miss that someone else is watching Mills and Abi leave.“Love sick fool,” I mutter, jerking my chin in Elliot’s direction.

“Aw, I think it’s cute,” Raine says. “They’ll figure it out eventually.”

“Don’t want to talk about them right now, sunshine. I want to go back to that idea I had about the basement.”

“I think I need another drink for that.”

Movement over her shoulder catches my eye, and when I look up, I find the guy who can help with more than just a drink for me and my girl.

“How about something even better?”

His eyes meet mine and I nod in greeting.

It takes him a few seconds to cut through the crowd, long enough for me to lose myself in my girl again.I can’t help it, she looks so fucking delicious in this tight black dress.

I squeeze her arse hard enough to make her squeak.“Fuck, you’re everything, Raine. Everything I didn’t know I wanted but everything I can’t live without.”

“You’re drunk and high. You have no idea what you’re saying,” she half whispers, half giggles as I nibble down her throat.

“Doesn’t mean it isn’t true though.” A shadow falls over us and I lift my head. “Ah, here he is. Come on, man. I want you to meet my girl. Raine, this is the man who provides me with a whole different kind of high than you can give me. Vaughn, this is Raine, my incredibly beautiful girlfriend.”


Did I really just use those words seriously?

Fuck me, what the hell has happened to my life.

I’m so lost in my own head that I totally miss the two of them introducing themselves to each other.

“So what do you fancy then, sunshine? My boy here can get you anything you need.” Wrapping my arm around her waist, I tug her suddenly tense body into the curve of mine.“What’s wrong?” I whisper, dropping my lips to her ear.

“N-nothing. Can you excuse me, I just need to go to the bathroom?”

She ducks from under my arm before I can do or say anything and I’m forced to watch her go, already hating the distance between us.

“So that’s your girl?” Vaughn asks. “She’s hot. Wouldn’t have pegged her for an All Hallows’ girl though.”
