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Not that it matters now.

“Yeah, I figured as much. I’m glad you’re here though.” Millie moves a little closer, tucking herself into my side.

Me too, the words get stuck over the giant lump in my throat.

Then she says the worst thing she possibly can to me.

“I’m glad my brother has you, Raine.”



With every shot I do with the team, the more my surroundings blur.

This is what I needed after the stress of last night and the impending future where I’m responsible for a twelve-year-old.One night of mayhem before reality hits and I need to start being the adult I apparently turned into yesterday.

“Go. Go. Go. Go,” the guys chant around me as the year twelves reach for their shots.

They’re off their faces too.

As I watch them force down another mouthful of vodka, it occurs to me that they haven’t been set any tasks recently.Flickers of ideas flash behind my eyes, but I’m unable to grab onto any of them.

“Okay, I think you might have had enough,” a familiar voice says when two strong hands land on my shoulders.

Glancing over, I find a bright-eyed Elliot studying me closely.“Initiation,” I slur.

“Yeah, I’m cutting you off.”

“Fuck that, man. It’s my birthday.”

“Yeah, and I’d like for you to see another, not die of alcohol poisoning on this one.”

“You’re no fun,” I complain as he physically steers me away from the team.

On the makeshift dance floor, I spot Reese and Liv, and Oak and Tally grinding it up.

“Where’s my girl?” I ask, my eyes scanning the Chapel for her dark hair and sinful curves. “Fuck. She looked so fucking hot tonight. Wanted to take her down to the basement but she wasn’t up for it.”

“Probably because she knew you were too wasted to get it up for her,” Elliot quips.

“Nah, fuck that, bro. One look at her in that dress and I was hard as fucking nails. Feel,” I say, reaching for his hand to prove my worth.

“Hell fucking no.” Disgust falls over his expression. “I love you but not that much.”

“Aw, Elliot Eaton loves me,” I sing, the room spinning around me. “Where is she?” I ask again, my focus on my girl. “I want her.”

“Then maybe you shouldn’t have pissed her off.’

“I didn’t. I—” I try arguing but honestly, I don’t remember what I did. But it certainly sounds like something I’d do.

“Eaton, get your arse over here,” someone calls.

Finally, he releases me. “You good, yeah?” he asks, but I’m already waving him off and stumbling away in search of my girl.

She’s got to be here somewhere. I just need to find her.

“Sunshine,” I sing. “Where are you?”
