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“I don’t own her. She can hang out with whoever she wants. We should probably all be happy that she’s actually in school and talking to anyone.”

“Didn’t Ethan lose both his parents when we were in year ten or something?” Theo asks.

“See,” I say through gritted teeth, “they have common ground. It’ll probably do her good to talk to someone who understands.”

I take off toward the front door, more than ready to get tonight over with.

“So where are you going if it’s not a date?” Oak asks.

“Been ordered home for dinner,” I confess, halting any more questioning.

“Well, I would say have fun but…” Reese trails off.

They all know that my dad is a cunt. They don’t need all the truth to come to that conclusion.

“I’ll see you all later.”

“The girls are doing something, a yoga thing with Liv. They’ll probably be back before you,” Oak explains.

“Okay,” I mutter as I pull my coat on.

So much for spending what little will be left of my night with them. If the girls are here, then I’ll be forced to spend the evening watching them dry humping over the sofas. Either that or I’ll be alone while they all lock themselves in their rooms.

Living the fucking dream…

Scrubbing my hand down my face, I step out in the miserable drizzle.It might have been a nice sunny spring day earlier, but the weather has taken a turn that matches my mood.

The drive to my parent’s house seems to be faster than ever, and in no time at all, I’m pulling through the massive gates and pulling into the space that was allocated to me when I started driving—the farthest one from the house.

Killing the engine, I pull my phone from my pocket and unlock it.Without even thinking, I open up my message thread with Abigail.

We’ve only exchanged a handful of bullshit messages over the past few months but that doesn’t mean I haven’t done this exact thing a million times over.

Many times, I’ve even tapped out a message. Something—anything—to let her know that she’s not alone. That I’m thinking of her, that I hope she’s okay and not doing something stupid.

But I promised myself I wouldn’t after she ran from the Chapel, silently letting me know how she felt about my reaction the day Theo stormed in and found us together in my bed.

She doesn’t want my help, my support, then that’s fine. It’s for the best anyway.

I was getting too close. Too attached.

Her life is already hard enough to deal with right now, the last thing she needs is the pressure of everything I have to endure adding to her issues.

No one deserves that.


I look up at the house. All of the curtains are open, showcasing the showhome-like home inside.

It’s pointless and pretentious as fuck. The driveway is so long that no one walking past can gaze in and be impressed. The only people who’ll see it are being invited in any way.

With a sigh, I take one more look at the small thumbnail picture of Abigail. She’s got her hair down, hiding the scarring on her face as she peers around it at the camera. She’s got a lightness in her hazel eyes that I haven’t seen for far too long.

There was a stupid, naïve part of me that thought I’d be able to bring it back. That I could make her smile and laugh in a way that she’d be able to push aside the grief and pain for just a few minutes.

I couldn’t.

I wasn’t good enough at that either.
