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My body begs for me to do something. To take what I’ve been craving for weeks.


But I can’t.

You’ve just confessed that you care…

Make the move.

Every single muscle in my body is pulled tight as I battle with myself.

All the while, Abigail stares at me with her broken, shadowed eyes.But there’s more than just a girl who’s lost in her grief staring back at me right now.

There’s a girl who’s desperate to get out of her own head. To forget about reality and let go, if only for a few minutes.

No words are said between us, my confession hangs in the air, taunting me. Reminding me of all the reasons why I shouldn’t have said the words out loud.

But they’re true.

So painfully fucking true.

“It doesn’t what?” she finally asks, curious about where I was going.

Raking my bottom lip through my teeth, I give her the truth.

“It doesn’t matter.”

Her eyes narrow a beat before her lips thin.The second she stands taller, her shoulders squaring, I know I’m in trouble.

“Do you know what I think?” she asks, although she doesn’t actually give me time to respond. “Everyone around school thinks you’re this larger than life, scared of nothing Heir. But that’s not true, is it?

“Red, I—” I start in the hope of calming her down.

With every word she says, I can practically see the anger bubbling up in her green eyes.

The shadows from before are beginning to disappear as the blaze of fury swallows them.

“You’re nothing but a coward, Elliot Eaton.”

My lips part, but she’s not done.

She’s far from fucking done.

“You’re a coward who can’t admit what he feels, what he really wants.

“Instead you hide in the darkness, in the shadows, telling yourself that it’s enough. Letting it satisfy your guilt, or whatever the hell you’re feeling.

“But if you really were the person they all think you are,” she sneers, waving her hand in the direction of the school campus behind me. “Then you wouldn’t be sneaking around, slipping into my room in the middle of the night, watching me through windows, following me down to this shed.

“What is it you really want here, Elliot, because I’m struggling to?—”

I surge forward, cutting off whatever she was about to say as I get in her space.

Her breasts brush my chest and her warm breath rushes over my face as she stares up at me.That soft pink mouth of hers parts in shock before her tongue sneaks out, licking across her full, tempting bottom lip.

The movement of her chest becomes more and more erratic as my eyes jump back up their hers.

The air crackles between us as my fists clench at my sides.
