Page 109 of Lawless

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Time is running out.

If I’m wrong and Reid and JD aren’t coming, then we’re fucked.

I’ve never really feared dying before. But fuck, the thought of going before her and leaving her alone with these monsters is fucking terrifying.

“They’re not coming.” She whimpers.

Squeezing my eyes closed, I pray that she’s wrong.

For all we know, they could be outside right this second just waiting to storm the place.

It’s either that or we die here.

There is no third option.

“No,” I state as strongly as I can, refusing to let her see that my hope is waning. “They are.” They have to be.

I lie there with my cheek pressed against the unforgiving, cold concrete beneath me, watching her.

Even now, she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. Her strength shines through, putting her above any other person on the planet.

Tears continue to leak from her eyes despite the fact her whimpering has stopped.

She’s uncomfortable, that much is more than obvious.

She’s gone from being cramped up in the cage on the other side of the room to being stretched out across a table.

I keep my eyes on her as long as I can, grateful that they haven’t plunged us into darkness this time.

For as much as I hate seeing her suffer, being able to look at her helps me get through each second.

The unforgiving restraints on my wrists and ankles continue to cut into my skin, ensuring the wounds only get deeper with every minute that passes.

I don’t look at the floor beneath me, but I know it’s stained with my blood.

At some point, I must give up the fight with my exhaustion because when a loud bang echoes through the space around us, my eyes fly open.

They immediately stream with water as the harsh strip lighting above us seers into them.

Instantly, I find her.

She’s exactly where they left her, her body trembling from the cold.

“What was that?”

Something akin to hope flutters in my belly. I’m aware that it’s probably pointless, that at any second, the three of them are going to return and continue where they left off, forcing me to lie here and watch as they destroy my wife, but I can’t help it.

“Are they back?” she asks, her voice cracking with fear.

“I don’t know,” I whisper, my eyes locked on the huge sliding doors on the other side of the space where it sounded like the bang came from.

Hope and dread riot inside me, both battling to take precedence as the doors rattle.

“Mav?” Alana whimpers. “Is it them?”

My heart races and my head spins.

If it were Victor and our fathers, they’d have just strolled right in like they have every other time. Unless they’re trying to scare us.
