Page 141 of Lawless

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The pain in my chest. The pressing weight of the failure I feel is unbearable.

The memories of watching the way they treated Alana. All because I couldn’t protect her from them like I’d promised I would always do.

The sharp pain comes again and this time, I can’t contain the agony as fire explodes in my back and burns through my body.

A whimper spills free.

I hate myself for it. For showing weakness.

But I can’t help myself. All of this is too much to take.

But then…

The most incredible sound in the world fills my ears.

“Mav,” a soft, very familiar voice cries before the scent of something so sweet and tempting floods my nose.

“It’s okay, babe. You’re safe now,” she says, sliding her delicate hand beneath mine that is resting on the bed before laying the other on top.

“D-doll?” I force out, desperately trying to rip my eyes open to see her, but my body won’t comply. All it knows is pain.

“I’m here. I’m right here. And I’m not going anywhere.”

Her grip tightens on my hand as another bolt of pain hits me.

I hiss, barely able to deal with it. But then, thankfully, it subsides.

“Jude is fixing you up.”

“Doesn’t feel like it.” I groan, not even bothering to worry about who the fuck Jude is. If Alana is letting him anywhere near me, then he must be trustworthy.

“Dude, those scars are going to look badass,” another voice says from across the room.

“Don’t listen to him. Just focus on breathing, yeah.”

“Your pain relief will kick in any minute,” a deep voice rasps.

“Thank you,” Alana whispers, her voice cracking with emotion. It’s hearing that that makes my eyes pop open.

My breath catches in my throat as I take her in.

Despite everything, she’s still the most beautiful thing in the world.

“Doll,” I whisper.

“Fuck, Mav,” she chokes out, her eyes filling with tears and her bottom lip trembling. “I thought… for a moment there…”

“You scared us, bro,” JD finishes for her.

“I’m sorry. When they came, I knew you’d be safe and I…” I swallow thickly. My throat is dry, but the pain is nothing compared to that of my back.

“Shush,” Alana soothes, her warm palm cupping my cheek. “I’m okay. And you will be too. Then we’re going to put an end to all of this, once and for all.”

I just about manage to smile at her when I see fire light up her previously dark eyes.

“Okay, I think you’re good,” the guy—Jude—who I guess was tending to my back announces. “You’re going to be out of action for a while yet. But hopefully, it won’t be too long until you’re able to get back up on your feet.”

“Great,” I mutter.
