Page 76 of Lawless

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My fingers curl tighter around the bars I’ve found until I’m sure my knuckles are white. Not that I can see them. I can’t see anything.

But he’s here.

You’re not alone.

Mav will fix this. He’ll—

“I think I’m in some kind of cage,” I blurt.

“Alana,” he says calmly. “Do you remember what happened?”

I suck in a deep breath and close my eyes.

The images are clearer now.

“He came for us. Our fathers too.”

“Everything is going to be okay,” he assures me.

“How can you know that? Do you even know where we are?”

“No, but someone will,” he states confidently.

I go still as his words float around me.

“Some— He knows,” I whisper, terrified that we might be being listened to.

Silence greets me. It’s all the confirmation I need.

There I was happily thinking that we’d given Reid the slip and were going to start our lives over where no one knew where we were. But all along he was still pulling the strings.

“So what now?” I hiss, annoyed with myself for being angry about something that I should be very relieved about right now.

If he knows where we are then he’ll come for us.

Surely he’ll fucking come for us, right?

Mav doesn’t say anything else for the longest time. The only thing I can hear is his heaving, rattling breaths. They’re enough to know that he’s suffering.

I’ve no idea how.

He could be in his own cage somewhere in front of me, or it could be so much worse.

Men like Victor have no morals. They don’t give a shit who they hurt. DNA means barely anything to them. Just look at what my father did to me and Kristie. He sure didn’t give a shit that we were his little girls. The kindest thing he probably could have done back then would have been to kill us. But that would have been too kind and considerate for a monster like him.

When Mav does speak, even though it’s whispered and full of unfiltered pain, it startles me.

“I’m sorry, Doll. I’m so fucking sorry.”

Wrapping my arms around myself, I try to keep my sobs to myself. Wherever he is, he doesn’t need to hear my pain as well as feel his own.

“I know.” I whimper, barely able to force the words past the lump clogging my throat.

And I do. We’ve both fucked so much up recently, it would make me a massive hypocrite if I were to hold this against him.

He got me out. He gave me a piece of paradise that we apparently didn’t deserve.

Our lives aren’t beautiful sunrise walks on the beach, holding hands and sitting in a hot tub as the day comes to an end.
