Page 123 of Fearless

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“I-I can’t, Julian,” Alana says after one too many silent seconds where I feel like I’m the only person in the room not in on a secret.

“I don’t mean right now, that would be really shitty timing. I just mean, one day in the future. I bet you’d look so fucking?—”

“I can’t have kids. Not now, not in the future.”

My lips part to say something, but I find that I don’t have any words.

“O-oh, okay. That’s?—”

Suddenly, there is movement in front of me and before my brain can process what’s happening, Kristie has rolled to the side of the bed and vomits on the floor.

“Kristie,” Alana cries, breaking free from Reid’s arms and rushing across the room, while I jump to my feet and shove the chair back.



Idive onto the bed and gather up Kristie’s messy, matted hair the best I can and hold it out of the way as she continues to vomit.

“It’s okay, baby girl. I’ve got you,” I assure her, rubbing gentle circles on her back.

Her entire body trembles. I’ve no idea if she’s cold, if it’s the effect of the drugs, the lack of drugs, or just the effort it takes to throw up. Whatever it is, the violence of them breaks my heart.

The guys jump into action around me, but I don’t pay them any attention.

At some point what looks like a vase is thrust under Kristie’s face. But it’s too little too late because she doesn’t make use of it.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers as she collapses back on the bed.

“Nothing to apologize for, Kris. We’re here for whatever you’ve got to throw at us,” I assure her, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear and wiping a tear that’s spilled free from her cheek. “You’re going to need to help us out here though. Tell us what you need.”

She shakes her head, her eyes locked on mine.

“I…” She swallows whatever she was about to say and her eyes flood with tears. “Are you really here?” she asks, reaching out a shaky hand for me.

“Yes,” I assure her. “I’m really here, and I’m not going anywhere.”

I lie with her again when she closes her eyes, and the second I’m down, she turns into me and holds me as tight as I do her.

It’s everything I’ve always wanted, minus the ugly parts of this reunion, of course.

She drifts off to sleep again while the guys clean up.

Not one of them complains as they scoop vomit from the fancy cream carpet.

“What’s going on?” Aubrey asks, appearing a while later and looking like she’s been dragged through a hedge backward.

“You’re probably going to need to offer sexual favors to the cleaning staff,” JD explains as he emerges from the bathroom.

“It’s too early for your brand of humor, Julian,” she chastises.

“Well, aren’t you a delight in the morning,” he deadpans.

Aubrey flips him off and turns to me.

“She okay?” I nod.

“Woke up and vomited everywhere,” Mav explains.
