Page 57 of Fearless

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“Are you for fucking real?” Reid seethes.

“What? I’m bored. It’s this or fuck.” He shoots me a look and winks.

I’m all for poking the bear, but I’m not sure this is the right time.

“You’re not doing either of those things. They’ll be here soon.”

“How soon?”

Reid cuts his best friend a look that would make anyone else cower down, but not JD. He meets Reid’s stare head-on.

“Can you stop bickering?” Alana hisses. “We need to listen for their arrival.”

JD huffs out a breath and slumps back against the wall.

“I had a really good one too,” he sulks.

“Don’t tell me,” I pipe up. “It was something beginning with R.”

His lips open and close. He wants to lie, I can see it in his eyes but seeing as we are practically surrounded by nothing but racking, I’m not sure what other options he’d have come up with.

“Maybe,” he finally breathes. “Smartass,” he mutters under his breath.

We’re still laughing when the sound of tires on gravel rushes through the open space.

My heart jumps into my throat as my eyes collide with Reid’s.

Go time.

We climb to our feet and look toward the doors.

Between us and where they’re going to enter, there is a single desk with a chair on each side. The perfect place for Victor Harris, Kurt Winson, and Roger Murray to be committed to hell.

Reaching behind me, I pull my gun from my waistband and let it hang by my side.

The loud clunk of the door opening rocks through my body, making my heart pound harder.

The temptation to step forward to see them is almost too strong to ignore.

Footsteps move closer, but there are no voices letting us know who’s about to emerge from the shadows.

We wait.

We agreed not to show our faces until we knew who was here.

If Victor sent some lackey to do his dirty work—a lackey other than mine and Alana’s fathers of course—then we’re not revealing our hand.

The footsteps grow louder and it becomes obvious that there’s only one set.


We’d talked about the possibility of Victor not turning up. But we’d all hoped it wouldn’t be the case.

Sadly, with them being in hiding, the chances of them turning up in one place together would be slim, but we were optimistic. Or at least, JD and I were. Reid, ever the pessimist, thought he knew better. And it seems the jerk might just be right.

A shadow grows in front of us and I swear I stop breathing.

Alana grabs my hand and squeezes tight as we wait.
