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Whoever was calling me was going to get their nuts ripped off.

I slapped around on the floor for my phone, not wanting to open my eyes. The dream I was having was perfection. Reed rode my dick while Elic devoured my mouth. My fist wrapped around his dick so I could jerk him off. I was about to blow when the fucking phone rang, waking me up.

Growling, I picked it up and opened my eyes to see who was calling. It was rare I took a nap, but here I was with Reed curled up on one side of me. Starry was draped over our feet. We missed Elic since he was working, so we were lounging on the couch when Reed’s eyes slipped closed. I put my arm around him and the next thing I knew; I was out too. How Starry wedged up here was anyone’s guess.

“What?” I answered. Cadence didn’t deserve my attitude, but she ruined a good thing.

“You two need to get over here.” The urgency in her voice had me sitting up, knocking Reed off the couch onto his ass.

“What the fuck!” he yelped. “I was asleep, asshole.”

I shot him a look and asked Cadence what happened.

“There’s a guy here demanding to see Elic and won’t leave. El couldn’t even talk. He just shook his head and backed himself into a corner before running to the office. Mom tried to get him out, said she’d take him home, but he won’t go. He’s pale as a sheet, Cas. Get over here.” She hung up before I could ask more.

“Let’s go,” I said to Reed, offering my hand. “Some prick scared the hell out of Elic. You’re going to soothe him while I kick the fucker’s ass.”

Reed said nothing as he grabbed his phone, and I got my stuff. My SUV would be faster than traversing over farmland in the little utility vehicle. Starry whimpered, but we couldn’t take her with us.

We got in and I tore off up the driveway and down the road to the restaurant. Luckily, there was no one coming.

It was almost four in the afternoon, nearing the time when the dinner crowd started arriving, making sure they got tables. The parking lot was mostly empty. I homed in on a pickup truck that sat across two parking spots like the guy was drunk when he parked it.

Pulling behind it, I put the SUV in park and shut it off.

“Cas,” Reed cautioned.

“Don’t care,” I bit out. Whoever owned this truck was the one causing Elic to shut down. I just knew it. They’d pay for that.

I got out and slammed the door shut, not bothering to wait for Reed as I strode toward the restaurant. He knew me well. I wouldn’t hesitate to knock someone on their ass when they targeted another person, especially someone I cared about. I’d seen the marks on my mom too many times to allow that to happen if I could help it. Cadence didn’t say anyone touched Elic, but my mind went right there. After the past abuse Elic had suffered, it didn’t matter if this guy touched him or not. I was hitting whoever it was.

Cadence locked eyes with me the second I stepped inside. She stood off to the side with worry written on her face, while Rich talked to a guy who was just as tall as him and broader. Rich’s jaw clenched, and his hands were fisted. Cadence tried to run interference by putting herself in front of me. I went around her so I could stand next to Rich. In my peripheral, I saw Reed dart down the hallway leading to the office.

“Who the fuck are you?” I asked, not attempting to be calm.

“I know you,” the guy said. He smirked, causing his unruly beard to lift. His dark hair looked like it hadn’t been combed. His clothes hung on him a little but didn’t appear dirty. It was more like he rolled out of bed and decided to cause some shit today. “Go in the back and fetch my boy for me.”

It took a second for my brain to register what he said. “What?” I growled. He didn’t just fucking say what I thought he did.

“My son. We have unfinished business.” He licked his lips. The instinct to punch him was strong. Only the thought of Elic and Reed kept me from instantly reacting.

I stepped into his space, got into his disgusting face.I needed him to take the bait so I could have my revenge, so I could crush him like the piece of shit he was. “Over my dead body.”

He cocked his hand back and swung, but I ducked, faster and more agile than him. It was also the move I needed to open the door for me to hit him with everything I had. The force of my punch pushed him back so hard he fell to the ground.

There was no conscious thought, just the thirst for blood. This was Elic’s stepfather. If he got anywhere near Elic, I’d sever his dick from his body so he couldn’t hurt anyone ever again.

Elic had told me a bit after he spoke to Reed. With every word Elic said, I grew angrier and angrier that someone could do that to him. I knew he was raped by other men when he was on the street. The life he’d had was brutal. I wanted to find every person who harmed him and rip them apart with my bare hands. I wasn’t a hair-trigger kind of guy, but that made me rage against the world, just like the asshole in front of me did.

I had tunnel vision where this fucker was concerned. On the ground, I threw two more punches before I was pulled off him. I faintly heard Dash and Slater telling me not to kill him. That I didn’t want to go to jail and not spend my life with Elic and Reed. It was them saying those words that brought me back from the brink. I was glad they did because I was an inch from tipping over it. Nothing would have been able to stop me once I did.

When considerable distance was put between me and Elic’s stepfather, it was a sea of blue as the local police showed up. Statements were taken. There were enough witnesses to see he was clearly causing distress to Elic, who I hadn’t seen come out of the back yet. Multiple employees overheard nasty things his stepfather said. They also saw him swing at me first.

Everything was a blur. I spoke, listened, and went through the motions, but all I wanted was to set my sights on Elic to make sure he was okay.

Finally, he emerged from the back once his stepfather was removed from the building. Reed had his arm around Elic as Elic shrunk into Reed’s side the best he could. I got up and rushed to them. Elic froze as I approached, which had me halting my steps.
