Page 162 of Mafie Queen

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Then, the sound of rushing water reaches our ears. At this point, it’s safe to say no one is in here any longer, so we make our way out before shining our light below us. Water trickles in from below, quickly filling up the area.

It took four hours for the cavern to fill, leaving us with an air bubble that lasted us about an hour while treading water. It didn’t end there though. As the water filled the room, the bats went into a frenzy. They tried to land on our heads as they lost space to fly, biting at us and clawing our faces until they all drowned.

The sound of them screeching above me echoes in my mind.

The feeling of those bats clawing at my face feels so real as I hit the branches while running. I swear they’re on me as I tear my clothes from my body, trying to pull them away.

Eventually, they leave, but then the feeling of water forcing itself into our lungs as we struggle for the last bit of air begins to overwhelm me.

I scratch at my throat, willing it to open up and take down air. It does, but it’s so minimal by the time I make it to a clearing that I’m convinced I might pass out.

Silver hair shines in front of me, but it takes a moment for the visions and the fear to subside before I can make out what exactly I’m seeing.

Standing on the airstrip ten yards from me, Eydis is in all black with leather harnesses on her chest holding guns, leather wrist straps holding knives, and a belt of ammunition. She’s wearing a blood red crown and has the composure of a victor.

I will not let her win.

I stumble down the runway but soon gain my footing as the drugs start to wear off. That’s when more of the scene comes into view. What I thought were Shades standing behind her are actually her people. They are throwing the bodies ofmymen into the fire lining concrete while Eydis stands there smiling.

My breaths pick up as the utter carnage surrounding me settles in. All of my men are dead. There is no fighting, no war. Just bodies. So many fucking bodies.

I was so sure we would win today that I never even pictured what it could look like if we lost. I never realized what this girl could do.

I raised her, trained her, and now I know without a shadow of a doubt, this Warrior is going to kill me.There’s nothing little about her anymore.

I knew I was the villain all along, and in fairytales, the villains never win. But this isn’t a book. Reality should be more malleable than words on a page. I worked my entire life to create a weapon capable of inflicting fear on those that crossed me with just the whisper of a single word.

I knew I was successful when we got her back, but real terror runs through my veins as I look at her now. The great weapon of my creation has come for her retribution.

Chapter 61

I rightfully earned my crown through blood, embracing what it means to be Queen, but all I can think of is how fucking tired I am. This game, this war, is exhausting.

When I meet my uncle’s eyes, he knows. He knows he’s going to lose. He knows exactly who I am and what he created me to be. He wanted a weapon, someone forced to shoot first and never ask questions. What he didn’t count on was me having my own mind.

He never imagined I would find people in my life I could love more than him. He didn’t plan on me finding out his schemes tokeep me silenced. He forgot I was a little girl born to Damir, the man of Iron and Peace.

My father was a negotiator. He created casinos for the underworld to use to do their bidding. He brokered peace between organizations and worked with Boris to help The Mafie Society thrive under unity. He was immovable and tactful.

My mother was Liv, the bringer of life and shelter. She used profits to help those in need and aided in taking down organizations that furthered poverty for selfish gain. She was a protector.

I learned a lot about my family and their jobs when I took over for Boris. Since the Society conducts its business through casinos, I was able to experience my parents' history through their actions. I hadn't felt this close to them since they were taken from me, and a rush of pride fills me as I learn about what they did.

It was difficult to take over while having to keep Boris away. He was available for us to call, but we didn’t want to risk too much and spoil the surprise.

He told us we could trust Cami and to use her. Nessa and her are now close friends , and there have been no ‘accidental’ stabbings, so I’ll take that as a win.

“I’ll be waiting for him to come to me,” I say as I stand at the projector.

“What do we do with all the bodies?” Siska, one of the students asks.

“Burn them, but make sure he sees it’s his men burning and not us. I want to make sure he knows there will be no coming back after this. It’s our final stand.”

“Havoc and Laney will make their way behind him. Once everyone is done on the beach, head our way. Lizz and Mac will coordinate the crew in charge of burning bodies. Onceyou’ve finished your job, use the water in your backpacks to get through the thinner fire zones and into one of the buildings. Stay there until we put the rest of the fires out.”

Everyone nods as apprehension twists in my gut. I can’t stop thinking that someone in here is a rat, that we are about to walk all these kids into a trap, and that each one of us will perish.

I set those thoughts aside. No one here can get a word out without Lev monitoring it. He has this place more secure than any other building in the world. And now, thanks to that mercenary woman I refuse to call LD, we have drones watching from above.
