Page 42 of Mafie Queen

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“He’s been running away and letting her make the rules. That’s the last thing she wants.”

“She said she needed space. What is he supposed to do?”

Their yelling escalates as Alexi throws his arms out and Evie creates distance between them as if she’s afraid of what he might do. He doesn't even notice her subtle cues or the way her hand is shaking when she answers him with venom in her tone.

“Don't listen to her! When we’re angry, we want you to do the opposite of whatever we say!”

He glares at her. “That is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard in my life! If you are going to waste your breath communicating, communicate correctly!”

“Not everyone is a robot like you,Alexi.”

At her sneer of his name, I’m officially done hearing this shit. It’s the second time they’ve gotten into an argument about this, and I will not hear it again. We just got our family back. Senseless arguing is not how I plan to spend my future.

I text Havoc to get to the hospital ASAP before making my presence known to the two fighting tigers in the kitchen.

“Both of you shut it and come with me.”

They turn to look at me, shocked and irritated.

“No, tell Alexi he’s being ridiculous here.” Evie sighs heavily as if she was just waiting for me to come back her up.

“Little Shadow, Lex is always ridiculous.”

Alexi scoffs at me as I try to hold back a grin. Okay, I really don’t try all that hard.

“The pair of you are ridiculous.” Alexi says, straightening his shirt. “Who do you think you are to shout orders at me, anyway?”

My jaw ticks as he narrows his eyes on me, not appreciating the challenge in his eyes.

“I’m your fucking brother, Lex. Don’t start that high and mighty bullshit with me. I’m trying to save you from fucking things up with our girl before you send her into a damn panic attack.”

He glances at Evie but seems to ignore what he sees.

“She is a big girl, she can speak for herself. Just like Laney.”

“You asshole!” Evie yells as she marches toward him. I grab her around the waist to hold her back because her eyes are set on murder now.

“I’m not playing games!” I bark. “Get both your asses in the car right the fuck now.” I point to the door and Evie glares at Alexi.

“Great. You made mySunshineget serious.” I shake my head at their antics as I turn Evie toward the door. She loves provoking him.

Alexi grabs his coat, rolling his eyes as he follows us out the door and into the elevator. “You started this whole argument. Do not pretend to be innocent here, Princess.”

The corner of her lip lifts at him using her nickname again and part of my frustration fades. But I was serious when I told them we are a team and we have to start acting like it. No one is going to come between us. Certainly not our family.

“I’m always innocent,” Evie quips, begging for an argument. “And I sure as fuck didn’t start this disagreement.” I swear this is foreplay for her.

“No more talking until we get there,” I say in my Dom voice, brokering no argument.

“Where are we going?” Evie asks cheerfully, as if I didn’t just tell her to shut up.

I glare at her until she huffs in frustration, crossing her arms only to puff out her chest in that adorable way of hers. It remindsme of a pissed-off penguin, and I have to hold back a laugh at the sight.

Leaning in to kiss her lips, her body melts into me. I don’t pull back until the elevator doors open, and I tap Evie’s ass as she exits the elevator to the garage. Then, I level Alexi with a pointed glare that says,If you two weren’t arguing you could do the same, bro.

He huffs, clearly pissed that I made a good point and missed out on kissing our girl. The ride in my car is silent, but the two pissed-off murderers sitting with me are stewing, I can feel it.

“Why are we here, Sunshine?” Evie asks as we pull up to the front doors of the hospital.
