Page 25 of My Shameless Angel

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“I don’t see how that is relevant?” Kate sips her wine and smiles. “Stop smiling, traitor!”

“Lexi, I am willing to bet a hundred bucks that you will stay there for longer than this one little month.”

“No, I will not!”

“Fine, then it should be easy money for you,” she says.

“Fine by me if you want to part with a hundred.”

“Aha, anyway, I’m going out with Jules. We will be back home later.”


“Yeah, so don’t wait up for us.”

“Sounds good, have fun.” I take my wine and flop in front of the TV in the living room. I didn’t have a free evening in a week, so this is precisely how I’ll spend it.

After two hours of mindless binge-watching and two glasses of wine, I decided to get some food into my body before the alcohol completely takes over. I stomp into the kitchen and raidthe fridge taking out some chicken, tofu, and mushrooms. Pad Thai it is.

I love cooking and do it with pleasure for myself and my friends, but tonight it’s just me, and I turn up my playlist and get going.

As I’m searing the chicken, I hear the doorbell ringing.

I’m not expecting anyone. Huh, did Kate and Julius forget their keys? I set the pan aside and go down the stairs to open the door.

Which I wish I would never do because the person standing in front of me makes my insides boil, and my skin is covered in goosebumps.

Landon fucking Locke.

The shameless demon himself, in his sinful black Armani suit and crisp white shirt underneath. No tie and the top buttons are undone.

Did I drink too much again? Am I seeing things? I’m definitely drunk because all of a sudden, I want to open a few more buttons on his shirt and run my tongue down his neck.

What??? Ewww, no! Bad Lexi, very, very bad, drunk Lexi.

I try to shake my head to bring it into the right place again. “What the hell are you doing here? Is it five am already?”

I realize I’m standing in front of this gorgeous, evil man in baggy gray sweats and a cropped sweatshirt. My hair is in a low ponytail, and I probably smell like the chicken I was cooking a second ago. Nice.

Way to impress a man who has “appointments” with Victoria’s Secret-looking models.

Mental slap! I am not trying to impress Landon.

“No, I’m here for dinner. Remember?” He says, looking smug. And my previous fantasy of stripping him naked evaporates.

Asshole, I can’t even have that little dream.

“No, no, I do not remember ever inviting you for dinner.”

Do you see steam coming out of my ears because I am pretty sure it is coming out of my ears. I am so mad right now. Who the hell does he think he is coming here, showing up on my doorstep, demanding that I feed him on my own damn time.

Right then, Kate and Julius pull up on their bikes, park them and come into this lovely chat.

“What’s going on?” Julius asks, eyeing Landon suspiciously. And Landon gives the same death glare back.

Oh, yay! Two alpha males in the same hallway…not good.

Those two could intimidate each other for days.
