Page 98 of My Shameless Angel

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Sure, we are young, but I will be thirty in a few days, and I always envisioned myself as a young dad, so hopefully, my wife agrees to at least start trying. It’s not like it will happen right away.

I do a quick work of the jeweler’s store, and within twenty minutes, I am back home. “Honey, I’m home! Happy Anniversary Jenny,” I call out as soon as I cross the front door, but in return, I am greeted with deafening silence. No one is home.

Huh? Jennifer works from home, she is an editor, and she didn’t tell me she’d be going anywhere today, but oh well, I can wait.

Soon after me, the food I ordered arrived, and I set up the table with the hot dishes, her favorite red wine that we also drank on our wedding day, and candles. Lots of candles.

Jenn is still not home, and I shoot her a text asking when to expect her, but there is no response. Part of me is getting worried, and the other part is irrationally hurt that my wife is not home yet on our anniversary.

No, Landon, stop. She must be busy.

Her text comes in fast.

Jennifer:Hey, sorry I got held up at the publisher's office. I’ll be home soon.

Landon:Oh, I didn’t know you had a meeting there today, but that’s fine. See you soon, honey.

Except, an hour passes, and then another, and one more. The food is stone cold, and the candles ran out, but my Jenn is still not here. I must’ve dialed her number a thousand times without an answer. I am about to start calling up hospitals and police stations when the door finally clicks open, and she strides in.

To say that my mood is not celebratory is an understatement, but I try to shove my hurt pride down and be happy she’s finally home. I don’t want to fight with my wife tonight.

“Hey,” I say as soon as she appears in the dining room but stops dead at the sight of my ruined romantic dinner.

“Landon, what’s all this?” Is she serious right now?

“This was our anniversary dinner.”

“Anniversary?” She asks and then slaps her hand over her forehead. “Oh my goodness, it’s the 5th. I’m so sorry. I completely forgot.”

“It’s okay. Let me heat it up for you.” I plate the food for her and set it on the table. Jenn eats and thanks me, apologizing again.

“It’s fine, honey. It’s not the end of the world you are here now, and I’ve got something else for you,” I say and bring in the box with the necklace for her. It’s an elegant diamond pendant on a white gold chain. Simple and timeless, just like Jenn and I.

“Oh wow, thank you, Landon. It’s beautiful,” she tells me, clutches the box to her chest, and gives me a small kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for dinner; it was absolutely delicious. I’ll go take a shower.”

“Okay. I’ll clean up and meet you there.” My plans for the night are not over, and I try to speed through the clean-upprocess and run to the bedroom to make love to my wife all night long.

Or not.

When I walk in, Jenn is already in bed, the cover is over her head, and she is asleep.

Fuck, seriously? This night did not go as planned at all, and to top it off, I hadn’t had sex with my wife in a while. At least a few months, so I was really looking forward to tonight.

Exhaling an exhausted breath, I take a shower myself and slip into the bed.

Maybe tomorrow…

But tomorrow Jenn has a headache—like always—and the next day, she is too tired.

Two days later, it’s my birthday, and I’m throwing a small celebration at the office for all the staff and close friends. Of course, the most important people are here with me. Jenn and Dom are standing right next to me, drinking wine and chatting.

My attention was pulled from them by Mike from my creative team, who gifted me a gift and gave me a long speech about being an awesome boss.

I love my team; I love working with each and every one of these people, so it means a lot to me that Mike thinks this highly of me. I turn around to tease Dom about being a better boss than him, but he’s not there.

I look around the whole room, but I can’t find him. “Have you seen Dominic?” I ask Mike, who is still next to me.

“Oh, I think I saw him headed toward his office a second ago.”

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