Page 80 of Reviving Hearts

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“We said we’d see where things go. We never labeled anything.” Talking to her would put pressure on the situation. Pressure I wasn’t sure she could handle. She hadn’t been in a long-term relationship where she allowed herself to have feelings for the other person. Not since I hurt her. So, I couldn’t predict how she’d react to my declaration.

“You love her,” Emmett said.

“I do.” But it didn’t feel good to admit it. Not when I’d just told Marley, and she hadn’t responded. To be fair, we were interrupted, and it wasn’t the best timing.

“You don’t know how she feels?” Knox asked.

“We haven’t talked about it.”

“You should see where you stand before you get in too deep,” Emmett said.

“You think she’s going to hurt me?” I asked, a little surprised. She was the one worried I’d hurt her. But then they didn’t know our history.

“She’s the one who lives in California, and wants to sever her family ties here,” Seb said reasonably.

“I don’t know if that’s true anymore.”

“That’s the thing. You don’t know. I think it’s time you found out,” Knox said.

“I will.” When the timing was right. I didn’t want to push her, even if it was driving me crazy that I’d bared my heart to her. “Navigating whatever this is isn’t easy.”

“Tell me about it. It’s a minefield. You think you’re stepping in a safe spot, and then everything blows up around you,” Emmett said, and we all remembered how he’d invited Ireland to live with him and then kicked her out when he freaked out about the situation.

“I think that’s just you,” Knox said. “The rest of us are better with relationships.”

“I don’t know about that,” Talon said.

“You talk to Holly yet?” I asked him, knowing she was his ex, and it was uncomfortable when they were near each other in the shop.

“I haven’t seen her much lately. I’ve been holed up in my shop, trying to get the designs for the light display completed.”

“You think you’ll be done on time?” Seb asked him, and I relaxed, knowing that the inquisition into my relationship with Marley was over for now.

When I refocused on the conversation, Seb was talking about Hanna working on the farm’s blog. “She wants to do a story on each of us. Our individual talents and the reasons we love the farm.”

Emmett dropped his head into his hands. “Why do we need a blog?”

“Don’t worry. She said she’d do you last.”

“She’s your friend. I say she starts with you,” I said to Seb.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

“I’m the most boring of all of us,” he said, and we all laughed. We loved to rib him for being uptight, even if it wasn’t always true. “What could I add?”

“You can talk about how you just finished building your house because you wanted to be closer to family. That you help with the books,” Knox said reasonably.

Sebastian’s lips twisted. “I think she wants something more.”

“What it’s like to grow up on the farm and how you want your daughter to experience that, too,” I said, having thought a lot about this recently. I think it was being around Marley. She made me want to have a family. I was resigned to living alone in that house, but now she’d opened my eyes to another possibility.

“I don’t see why we need all these changes. We were doing fine before,” Emmett grumbled.

“You know why. We’ve been over this,” Seb said.

We were used to Emmett’s crankiness. Even though the evidence presented to him showed that something was necessary, he dug his heels in.

Hanna would have a hard time getting all of us to cooperate with her story. Her only chance was Seb. They’d been friends since we were kids. He’d do anything for her, and she loved him and Ember.
