Page 20 of Punk-In

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But I didn’t want to hear him whispering my words. It was too intimate.

And I could picture him just as he’d described. He’d be sitting down, wearing his jeans, his naked chest on display while he cradled his guitar like a lover.

Singing about my longing, my desires.

For him.

My pulse pounded as a shiver ran through my entire body.

The explosive energy between him and me had always been there, right from the start. I’d just been too preoccupied with doing the job to notice what it really meant.

Plus, I’d never had reason to question my sexuality. I’d had hookups with women here and there, but no one had me reacting with anything more than simple lust. And not for years. I’d been too busy getting the band organized: recording, touring, cross-country, worldwide, twenty-four-seven.

My work was my life.

Until this past year.

After I lost my dad, the only living family member I had left, every emotion I’d locked down inside me rushed to the surface.

Dealing with my father’s death had me taking a long, hard look in the mirror.

At myself, at my life, or lack thereof. At friendships and relationships. Ones I’d taken for granted before were now front and center. I realized that work couldn’t be the only thing that fed my soul.

I needed more. I needed a real connection.

And sometime around the music awards show last year, I felt a shift.

I noticed Brodie, and not in the usual way.

My eyes were now drawn to the way he bit his full lower lip when he played his guitar and the slick of his lip gloss. I wondered if his lips were soft and what they would taste like.

I noticed the way his hazel eyes lit up when we were arguing.

And the way his high, tight ass flexed on stage.

Most of all, I was drawn to the way he fucked that mic. Sometimes, he’d turn and look right at me. As if daring me to make the first move.

I’d never popped a boner at work before, and now it was happening all too frequently. And what could I do about it?

Nothing. Not fuck all.

I worked for him.

Not to mention, I’d never been with a guy before, so what the hell did I know?

And so, our relationship took on a new intensity. It wasn’t just arguments about creative differences or the label. And I… I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing.

Me, the master organizer, the musician wrangler, the calm in the shitshow that was the entertainment storm, I was fucked up and in over my head.

Over feelings I had for the first time in my life. Over someone I had no business feeling anything for.

I’d never shied away from confrontation, and Brodie never met a sentence he couldn’t refute. But lately, I’d done my best to steer clear of him. Not that it was easy. We interacted every day.

More and more, I needed space from him.

To get away from those green-gold eyes of his that seemed to see everything inside me. I swear he was a witch, and I was now cursed.

And I needed to break this hold he had over me. But it wouldn’t be easy. There was a pull between us that had me unable to step away.
