Page 117 of If We Say Goodbye

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I want the pain to stop, but there’s nowhere for it to go. There’s nowhere to hide.

A feather touch grazes my hand. Caleb’s finger taps my hand with faint pressure as if he’s trying to tell me everything’s okay.

But it’s not. He’s using what little energy he has to comfort me when he should be focusing on himself. All I can think about is how any more simple mistakes can cause me to lose anyone and everyone. I want to revert to the black hole in my mind.

To push myself further away from reality. To close my eyes and pretend like none of this is happening.

But I can’t.

I have to push forward. Caleb needs me to.

So, I drive.

My hands continue to shake as I barrel down the road, but the sight of him next to me keeps me moving. His face is pale. He’s resting his head against the side of the car while holding Mom’s jacket on his head.

My heart races as we near my dreaded road—Lincoln St.

The car slows to a stop as my stomach twists. My palms are beginning to sweat, and my chest is tight.

Caleb looks over at me. “Are you okay?” he whispers.

He’s the one who’s hurt, and he’s still trying to take care of me. I don’t deserve it. I need to do this. I need to be here for him.

He needs me.

I nod and take a deep breath.

I hit the gas, driving past Lincoln St.

Every inch of my body is on edge as if crossing this imaginary line will somehow cause the world to blow up, but nothing happens.

Within seconds, we pass it, and my heart rate slows.

I did it. I drove past it, and the world didn’t end.

Caleb rests his head on the seat again, and I relax.

It’ll all be okay.

When we make it to the hospital, Mrs. Park is waiting in the emergency room. She’s in her usual pantsuit, but it’s wrinkled and her hair is frazzled, unlike the prim and proper appearance I’m used to.

“You,” she says, wrenching me away from Caleb’s side as we rush him in. “Stay away from my family.” Her tone is harsh and rough.

“I need to be with him. I need to make sure he’s okay,” I cry.

“You’ve done enough.”

I freeze in the center of the emergency room as she takes my place, taking Caleb’s arm.

Caleb reaches for me, “Don’t go.”

“I won’t,” I say.

Mrs. Park glares, steering him away.

“I’ll be right here waiting,” I call weakly.

I don’t care what she says. I won’t leave him.
