Page 117 of Timber

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“Okay, I think we’re good to go. I gave you some pain meds and antibiotics in your IV, so that should help keep your pain at bay for right now. Timber mentioned there’s a possibility you could be pregnant, so I made sure everything would be safe in case you are.”

Sunshine looks up at me, her cheeks flushed, and I can’t resist leaning down and giving her a quick kiss.

“All the skin glue seems to have set. Until everything heals up, no baths and keep your showers quick. You don’t want the wounds getting soaked. Let them air dry and keep your clothes loose until the wounds heal. For now, don’t put another bra on. Tomorrow you should be able to wear one as long as it isn’t too tight and doesn’t rub on your wounds.

“If anything starts to look infected, let me know right away. I’ll be checking in on you every now and then to see how you’re doing and how you’re feeling.” He pauses, pulls out an icepack out of his mini-fridge and wraps it in a towel.

“Now, I’d prefer you don’t put this directly over that wound by your eye for right now to ensure the glue is fully set, but you can position this around it in the meantime. Tomorrow, you should be good to place it directly over the wound, but no more than ten minutes at a time.”

“I grabbed a club tank top that should be pretty loose for you. As a bonus, it’s black in case it gets any blood on it. Sasha also got you some underwear and sweats, so you’ll be a bit more comfortable,” Mama Astrid says.

Mae tries to sit up but winces. Stepping closer, I carefully slip my hands under her back, and slowly raise her up, making her bend at the hips rather than her waist. She still winces slightly because of the couple of wounds on her hips, but not as bad as before.

They both help her slip the tank on and then I gently lower her back down to the bed. She exhales deep and slow, closing her eyes for a moment once she’s fully horizontal again. Sasha wiggles the cloth down until it’s flat and not bunched up underneath her back. Then, they help get her into clean panties and sweats. When they’re done, they both squeeze her hands.

“Get some rest, dear. I’ll make you some soup that you’ll be able to drink through a straw so you don’t have to sit up or move for a while.” Mama Astrid squeezes her hand and kisses her forehead. She steps out and Doc follows her.

“I’ll come find you tomorrow. Colt and I are staying here, and we’ll all drive back with you for the wedding,” Sasha pauses and swallows thickly. “I know it’s hard, but it will get better. Remember, we’re here for you when you need it.” She bends down, resting her forehead on Mae’s like I’ve seen her do with Levi and her brother before.

After a few moments, she straightens and steps out of the room.

Mae shivers, and I pull up the light blanket over her. I’m about to ask how she’s doing when there’s a knock on the door.

Getting up, I’m surprised to see Smoke standing there. Then I remember Python saying he called him. He must have booked it to get here in three hours.

“Come on in.” I step aside and go to the opposite side of the bed, taking the chair there and letting Smoke sit where I had been.

“Dad,” Mae whispers and Smoke leans closer, torment and anguish written all over his face. His hands hover over her like he wants to hug her, but he’s not sure of where it’s safe to touch her.

She reaches out to him, and he takes her hand before resting his forehead against hers.

I’m about to step out to let them have a moment together, but Sunshine stops me, squeezing my hand.

“What happened? Python just said you’d been kidnapped, and they were on the way to rescue you,” he asks as he sits down but doesn’t release her hand.

Mae swallows thickly. “Carter, one of the doctors here in town, somehow got into the clubhouse. I went to use the bathroom, and he grabbed me right as I stepped out. He injected me with something and kidnapped me. The other man—”

“Andrew, Carter’s father, who is also a doctor here in town,” I interrupt, and the corners of my mouth lift when I see her scrunch up her face.

Smoke’s scowl deepens. He’s been here to Junction Creek enough to know who we’re talking about.

“Ew, that just makes that worse,” she says before shuddering.

She continues, filling him in on what happened as well as what happened at the grocery store yesterday.

When she’s finished, his gaze goes to her stomach, and she nods, even though he doesn’t ask. She takes a deep breath and I gently squeeze her hand before letting go. Standing, I pull back the blanket and she rolls up her shirt to her breasts.

“There’s a few more on my upper chest and hips, too,” she says quietly.

Smoke’s face morphs into one of rage when he sees the crisscross of wounds from the belt over her stomach and her swollen face. His gaze goes to mine and I nod, knowing what he’s silently asking.

The fuckers are in the cellar.

I pull down Sunshine’s shirt and cover her again with the blanket. A knock on the door breaks the tension and Mama Astrid walks in.

“I just stuck with a gentle tomato soup for right now, dear. Tomorrow we’ll see how you’re feeling and go from there. If you want more later, I made extra and there’s some in the fridge. Just warm it up in the microwave.”

She hands me a couple of large, insulated thermos with straws. Looking back at Sunshine, I wince.
