Page 108 of Never Mine to Hold

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“Let’s get out of here. The sooner we make an appearance, the sooner you can make good on all those promises.”

Chapter 35


Gerry flashes a shit-eating grin as Wolf ushers us through the back door of the bar.

“Well, well, well…isn’t this a nice surprise to see you here on your night off.” He flicks a glance at Wolf as they bump fists. “Looks like you aren’t the only winner tonight, Westerville. I’m suddenly two hundred dollars richer.”

When my mouth tumbles open, he actually laughs before jerking his head toward the man at my side. “Oh yeah, everyone saw the way this guy was constantly hovering. FYI—it was Erin who started the pool.”

When I find the other waitress in the crowd, she smiles before shrugging. “If you’d held out for another week, that money would be mine,” she calls out from a few tables away. “But I won’t hold that against you. I’m not sure how you managed to go this long without giving in.”

“I want my winnings by the end of the night,” Gerry tells her.

She waves him away before taking off for the bar.

I groan, unable to believe that my new co-workers were betting on my relationship with Wolf. Before I can say anything, he whisks me away.

“Did you know about this?” I ask as we wind our way through the crush of bodies, unsure if I’m irritated or just plain embarrassed.

“Nope. And I wouldn’t have cared if I had.”

His smooth voice has the power to mollify me.

Since we’re late getting here, the place is already packed to the gills. Hands reach out, congratulating Wolf on what a great game he had. Girls gravitate to him, attempting to stroke his chest and strike up conversations. It doesn’t matter if I’m tucked securely beneath his arm. They’d happily steal him away—or join us, if that’s the only way they can have a small piece of him.

I glance over to see if he notices the attention, but he doesn’t bother making eye contact with any of them. His gaze is locked on the tables shoved together in the back as he presses me closer.

Realizing every seat is occupied, Wolf taps a younger player on the shoulder and tells him to move it. The kid scrambles out of his way without question. After dropping down onto the chair, he pulls me onto his lap before wrapping his arms around my waist and brushing his lips over mine.

“An hour,” he grumbles. “Then we’re out of here.”

I can’t resist the smile that curves my lips. “Oh? You have big plans for later?”

He flexes his hips until his thick erection can nudge me. “The biggest.” One brow lifts in askance. “Wouldn’t you say?”

I shift as heat pools in my core. “Maybe too big?”

I’m joking.

Sort of.

He smirks. “Nah. It’s the perfect fit.” His voice turns into even more of a growl. “It’ll just take a lot of stroking and licking to get that sweet little pussy ready. And I’m more than willing to do it. In fact, I’d be upset if I couldn’t.”

All this talk of foreplay has even more arousal sparking to life inside my core, and I shift on his lap.

His hands tighten around my hips. “You need to stop squirming, or I’ll drag your ass out of here right now.”

Erin stops by to take our order before sending a little wink my way. “Looking cozy over there, Fallyn.”

She’s not wrong.

Britt took off and headed home after the game, but all the other girls are seated around the table. Like me, Juliette is perched on Ryder’s lap. I’ve noticed that he doesn’t like her to be very far. He’s always touching her as if he wants everyone to understand that she belongs to him now. I glance around the table and realize that all the guys are like that with their girlfriends. Ford’s arm is casually slung around Carina’s shoulders. The same with Stella and Riggs.

And Vi and Madden?

My heart actually melts because they have such a long history. I never expected to see them together again, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how easily they’ve fallen back into a relationship.
