Page 22 of After the Storm

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When I arrived at the house, Brenda was just setting out a fresh vase of peonies and hydrangeas in the entryway. My mother liked things run in a certain way, whether she was staying at this house or not.

“Good morning,” I said, pausing to give her a hug. She’d worked for my family for a long time.

“Hey there, sunshine. I sure do like starting my days seeing your sweet face. I’m glad you’re here. I think it’s helping your dad a lot.”

“Yeah. I’m glad I’m here, too. Is he up?”

“He is. I’ll bring you some coffee up shortly.”

I held up my water bottle. “No need. I’m good for now. And you know I’ll help myself if I need anything.”

I’d married a man who was as wealthy as the family I’d grown up in. But I’d always preferred to do things for myself when I could.

“All right. Come say goodbye before you head out.”

“I will.”

The next few hours were filled with progress and frustration. My father was a strong man, and he didn’t like relying on anyone for help. I understood it. But he was also stubborn, and that could work against him.

“Nice work today,” Baxter said, helping him back into the wheelchair. There was a layer of sweat across my dad’s forehead, and he nodded.

Once we returned to his room, he tipped his head back and chugged some water. “All right, darling.” His words were already getting much clearer, and it had only been a week since he’d started speech therapy. “I’m going to shower and make some calls.”

“You’re back to work?” I shook my head in disbelief.

“Work keeps my mind focused. I’m just going to check on a few things, nothing over the top. Don’t you have to go meet Lola to see that property?” he asked, and his words dragged toward the end because the longer he spoke, the more tired he grew.

“Yes. I’m going to meet her in an hour. She’s excited about it.” My father was going to be an investor in her new business, as was I. My best friend was brilliant, and I had no doubt she would turn this spa into an attraction that everyone on this coast would want to visit.

“You sure you don’t want to throw in the towel on law and move back here and partner up with her?”

My eyes doubled in size. “Says the man who once told me there would be nothing better that I could ever do with my life than to practice law?”

“Well, I said that when I was practicing law.” He chuckled this raspy, hearty laugh that made my chest heavy. “I know you’re going through a lot. That asshole husband of yours better not come around me anytime soon.”

I rolled my eyes. “He messed up, but he isn’t the only reason our marriage is done. I just waited too long to do it myself. We were over long before he had an affair.”

He looked up at me with the same dark eyes as mine. “Life is short, sweetheart. Do what makes you happy.”

“Who are you, and what have you done with my father?” I laughed and did my best to mimic his deep voice. “Life is short, so make a difference in the world while you can. Work hard. Make a name for yourself.”

“You’ve already got my name.” He smirked. “And you graduated from Harvard Law and work at one of the most prestigious firms in the country. There’s nothing left to prove. What I don’t like seeing is the sadness in your eyes.” His voice broke on his last word, and I reached for his hand.

“I’m fine. I just want you to be okay.”

“I will be. You can count on it.”

“All right. Get showered and get some rest. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

There had been a heaviness in my chest since I’d been home. Seeing my dad in his current state, my lack of relationship with my mother more apparent than ever, being in the same town as Cage, and meeting his daughter—it was a lot.

I said goodbye to Brenda as she fixed a tray of food for my father, and I decided to walk to meet Lola downtown. I was so used to being in the city with so many people, and it was nice to be out on a walk and hear the sound of the birds chirping and smell the salt water in the distance.

How long had it been since I’d walked somewhere and took my time getting there?

My phone vibrated, and I glanced down to see yet another text from Wes.

The Devil
