Page 47 of After the Storm

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More silence.

“Maybe eight months. I’m busy with work and Gracie, so that’s sort of my last priority at the moment.”

His fingers grazed along the back of my neck in the most soothing way. Every inch of my body was touching his.

“That has to be hard,” I whispered. “No pun intended.”

His body shook, and I knew he was trying to keep from laughing.


“I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable.”

“Don’t worry about me. I have my ways of relieving myself,” he said, his tone light and flirty.

Oh. My. God.

“I guess we have something in common, then.” I knew I was playing with fire, but I was so painfully attracted to this man I could barely stand it.

He pressed his hips forward, letting me feel just how much he wanted me. “Here’s some motivation for you next time you’re alone.”

My breaths were coming faster now, and I made a conscious effort to keep it under control, but it was a challenge.

“You’ve always provided all the motivation that I need, if I’m being honest.” He’d been who I saw every single time I fantasized about a man. I wasn’t proud that it was always Cage that I thought of.

His breaths halted, and his hand found my chin, and he tipped it back so my gaze would meet his. There was just a bit of moonlight coming in through the opening of the curtains, forming a halo of light around his handsome face.

“So have you. I still think about you, you know.”

“Me, too.” A single tear rolled down my cheek, and he swiped it away with the pad of his thumb. “But you seem determined to keep this distance between us.”

“I can’t go there with you. Not again. Not when we both know that you’re leaving soon. And it’s not because I don’t want you. Fuck, Presley. I want you so fucking bad I can’t see straight. But I can’t do halfway with you. We tried that once before, and look at the mess we made. Losing you once wrecked me. Losing you twice would be the end of me. I’ve got Gracie to think about now.”

His words weighed heavy on my chest. Losing him had wrecked me, too. In the worst way. I’d been destructive and spent the years after I’d lost him making things worse. And now I was picking up the pieces and trying to put my life back together.

He was right. We lived on opposite sides of the country. This couldn’t go anywhere. We’d be playing with fire if we crossed the line.

Temporary had never worked for us.

We’d always been all or nothing.

“I get it. And my life is a mess right now. It would be a mistake to act on anything.”

“So, we agree. No crossing the line. But we can be friends, and that’s better than nothing.”

“Look at us. We finally agree on something besides horses and country music.”

“Horses, country music, and friendship. It’s a start. Even if your favorite candy sucks.”

I chuckled, but my body was burning at the moment, so I was doing all that I could not to press harder against him. His erection rested on my lower belly, and I squeezed my eyes shut, willing myself to go to sleep. His breathing slowed, but his arms tightened around me.

And even in this dingy, cold room, I felt more comfortable in my own skin than I’d felt in years.

“Can I ask you something?” I whispered.


“What did Gracie mean about me being in your heart with her? It sounded like it was written somewhere?”
