Page 54 of After the Storm

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But now it would be the topic of conversation for years to come.

Long after the woman beside me left town.

Which she would be doing very soon.



Well,this was an unexpected turn of events. I felt a little dumb for coming to his defense, seeing as he was not telling the truth when he’d told me Gracie was just confused.

I wanted to be irritated, but honestly, I was honored to be tattooed on the man’s body for life—I just wasn’t sure how to feel about it.

“My work here is done,” Brinkley said, dropping a dinner roll onto her plate like it was a microphone. The entire table erupted in laughter, aside from the big grump sitting next to me.

I covered my mouth with my hand. It wasn’t that big of a deal. He was being a bit dramatic.

“Sleep with one eye open, Brinks,” Cage grumped.

“I look forward to it.” His sister waggled her brows and then turned her attention to me. “So, how long are you staying, Presley?”

“Probably a couple more weeks. My dad is on the mend, but I want to stay until he’s fully recovered, or at least well enough to be without the full-time nurses at the house.”

“I’ve missed you. I’m glad you’re home. Don’t stay away so long next time.” Georgia smiled at me, and that heavy weight settled on my chest again.

I’d always loved his family, and when I lost Cage, I lost all of them.

“I won’t.” I shrugged. “And at least the big guy here has me inked on his heart forever, so I’m kind of with you all in spirit, right?”

It was silent at first, and then laughter bellowed around the room from everyone, including Cage.

“Relax,” he said once they all pulled themselves together. “I’m probably going to ink Maxine there next.”

Gracie was clapping, and I spent the next hour laughing and talking and catching up with this family, whom I’d missed so much.

After we ate dessert and had some coffee, we all moved to the family room, and I sat on the floor with my back to the couch as Bob Picklepants, the cutest dog on the planet, sprawled across my legs. I still couldn’t believe that Cage had agreed to keep Maxine at his house. Being a dad had softened him in a way.

Although that was probably the only thing soft about him.

Damn. Why did my mind keep going there?

It had been so long since I’d felt anything physically. Of course, this would be the one man who had to make me feel all the things.

My phone vibrated, and I glanced down to see a text from Lola.


Hey, girl. How’s it going with Dr. Dreamy?

I quickly responded.

Stop. All good. Are we meeting for brunch tomorrow? I can meet you at Cottonwood Café after I take Honey out and spend a little time with my dad.


Yes. But don’t avoid the question. I know you’re still thinking about your night spent spooning him and his giant .
