Page 66 of After the Storm

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But I couldn’t think of anything else.

“Hey,” Presley said as she came walking out of the barn in a long cream-colored skirt with her boots peeking out at the ankle. Her sweater hung off one shoulder, making my mouth water, and it pissed me the hell off. “I didn’t think you were coming until tomorrow.”

She’d stuck to the plan and hadn’t made any attempt to see me again, so I wondered if I was the only one who was struggling.

“I didn’t have anything on the schedule this morning, so I thought I’d run over and check on Honey.” I shoved my hands into my pockets because we both knew I was lying. Honey was doing well, and there were no concerns at the moment. “What are you up to?”

“I was just going to go for a ride. Why don’t you ride with me?”

I cleared my throat and thought it over. It had been a while since I’d found the time to take a ride. I was in the middle of building a barn, and I planned to eventually get a horse or two. “I guess I can go for a quick ride before I take a look in her mouth and then make a quick round to see the others.”

“Great. I want to get back in an hour so I can meet with Baxter to get an update on my dad’s physical therapy.”

She walked in front of me. The fabric of her skirt hugged her ass perfectly while it swooshed around freely at her ankles.

“I don’t know if that skirt is the best idea for riding,” I grumped, and it came out harsher than I meant it to.

But fuck that skirt.

It was putting all sorts of visuals in my head that I shouldn’t be thinking about.

She glanced over her shoulder and smiled like she was enjoying seeing me agitated.

We saddled up, and she climbed onto Honey, her skirt riding up as she draped it over her thighs effortlessly. I took Duke, the six-year-old stallion, who was one of my favorites.

We trotted out of the barn and took off once we were in the pasture.

I glanced over to see the wind catching her hair as it blew all around her, and she had a big smile on her face. We rode for a few miles before she pointed over to the trees, where we used to come and hang out when we were teenagers. The Duncans had one of the most gorgeous properties in Cottonwood Cove, as their ranch was set up high with impressive views of the cove. We tied the horses to the tree, and she pulled a blanket out of her saddlebag and shook it out before setting it down on the grass.

I sat down beside her, keeping a little distance between us, even though her citrus scent was already flooding my senses.

“What’s going on? You seem a little tense.” She raised a brow as she leaned back on her elbows.

“Your skirt just kind of pisses me off.”

There, I said it.I was an asshole, and I wouldn’t argue that.

“My skirt pisses you off?” She smirked. “The color or just the style in general?”

“The way it hugs your perfect ass.”

She nodded and picked at a piece of grass before turning to look at me. “Are you struggling, Cowboy? Thinking about the other night? Because I am.”

I looked out at the water. “Something like that. We probably fucked up doing that, huh?”

“I don’t think so. We know what this is. There are no expectations this time around. And we have a history. I can’t speak for you, but I needed to feel something. I’m not ashamed to admit that being with you, even if just for a few weeks, has given me a new perspective.”

“How so?” I asked, narrowing my gaze as I studied her.

“Well, I don’t feel this overwhelming sadness anymore when I think about you. Meeting your daughter has been really special to me. I adore her, and I’m grateful that I get to spend time with her. That I get to know the little girl you’re raising. I guess it’s shown me that I am capable of being happy again. I thought I lost the ability to feel that, you know?”

I let her words sink in. Hell, I was feeling things I hadn’t felt in a very long time. Things that I knew were dangerous to be feeling. That was what had me on edge. But I wasn’t going to say that to her.

“Gracie’s nagging the shit out of me about letting you teach her to ride.”

“Let me do this. I promise you I won’t let her do anything dangerous. She loves horses, and you know it’s my passion. Let me give this to her. And you’re coming by and checking on the horses a couple of days a week now. It’s the least I can do to thank you.”

“Fine. I can’t argue with that. She’ll be excited. Just take it easy, okay? Nothing too fast. She’s got big ideas, but she’s young and clueless about all that can happen with an animal that size.”
