Page 29 of The Men of Sea View

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Betsy’s phone vibrated in her pants pocket. The service was almost over, so she’d wait to see who was trying to contact her, fearful that work was looking for volunteers again, and she’d had it with work.

But out in the lobby, she saw that it was Ryan’s number. She read his text.

I’m sorry about last night, that what happened made you want to leave. I just visited my girls and am back home. Come over when you can and I’ll make it up to you the rest of the weekend.

She sighed, really wanting to see him. The night before, when Lisa had dropped in at Ryan’s new apartment, had been so embarrassing. Betsy had hidden in the bedroom, dressing, until they were gone. Ryan had been distraught that she insisted on leaving. He’d wanted to have sex again and waved his penisaround like that would entice her, when all it had done was make her doubly sure that they wouldn’t do it again.

But in a minute, she’d changed her mind when he grasped her knees and spread them apart, his face planted on her crotch. The sensation was so exquisite, she decided she’d be his slave if he’d do that to her again.

Coming back to the present, she remembered where she was, shamed. Still at church, she prayed for guidance. The text might be from Satan for all she knew, but it had melted her heart.

Her phone rang as she left the sanctuary. It was Ryan. “I just texted you. Come over.”

“Okay. Against my better judgment, I’ll come.”

“Why against? I’m sorry about last night, but that’s on her. Lisa wanted me to move out, Betsy. She’s tired of me and my issues. I’ll do my best not to make problems for us.”

“What problems could you make, Ryan? We hardly know each other. I’d appreciate it if you’d give me the heads up if you’re going to sleep with another woman on the same day we’re supposed to be together,” she said, chuckling.

“I’d like to be exclusive. Lisa will probably question who is going to be here when I get my kids, and she knows and likes you.”

“Not anymore,” Betsy groaned.

“Aw, I think she’ll be okay,” Ryan said, chuckling. “Come over.”

“I’m on my way.”

“Where are you?” he asked.

“I just left church. Thanksgiving is in a couple of weeks, and then it’s Santa Claus.”

“Oh. Maybe I should get a tree for my kids. Do you want to do that with me?” Ryan asked.

“Sure!” Betsy answered “I have a fake tree. Are you going to get a real one? It’s a little early. It’ll be dead by the time Christmas rolls around.”

“The tree farms are ready! I want a real tree for my first,” Ryan said decisively. “My kids will like that.”

“You should take them with you,” she suggested

“They’re farmed out to neighbors today,” he explained. “It’s better to give them a break from the drama.”

“Just the same, maybe we’d better go out of town to get a tree,” Betsy said. “No point in rubbing noses in it if they have the same idea.”

“Okay, we can do that. See you soon, then?” he asked.

“Fifteen minutes.”

Spending the day choosing a Christmas tree filled Betsy with hope. Could this be an actual relationship? It was something she’d longed for,dreamedof, but no one had been interested. Now she had this hot guy pursuing her. She still regretted going to bed with him so soon, but it had felt good, and they had both needed it, so it couldn’t be too wrong.

Chapter 4

On Monday, some residents of Sea View began new routines. Tony and Kassandra awoke an hour earlier than usual and drove to the condo. Tony would spend the day packing up their belongings. They had decided he would sell the condo, but they’d wait until Kassandra’s obligation to the practice had ended before listing.

Driving to the job that morning, Kassandra was in a do-or-die frame of mind. As she’d feared, the atmosphere among the staff was decidedly cool. But she had known going into this adventure that leaving with short notice would not be appreciated. According to her contract, she was obligated to give ninety days.

But because the partners had breached the contract frequently, canceling her vacation or extending her call hours, and the breaches had been documented in letters of complaint that she’d had notarized, she was giving them thirty days. The surgeries she had scheduled would be accomplished in that time.

At four o’clock, as she was preparing to leave the hospital after a day of surgery, the senior partner sent word that he wanted to see her before she left, if it was convenient. She looked at her watch, not wanting to linger. Tony was excited to return to Babylon and had rented a trailer to haul belongings down that he didn’t think they could live without, even though the house was fully furnished. She couldn’t wait to see what he’d picked.
