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He huffed. “We’re consenting adults.”

“Yeah, same here.”

He powered down the tablet and set it aside. “Is that what you’re calling it?”

More giggles burst from the living room. Music signaled the end of the episode she was watching. Just hearing her, living in my house and filling it with life, gave me something like a new purpose. Protecting her made me feel purposeful.

I focused on my laptop again, exiting the screens before shutting it off. “Yeah, well, it keeps me busy.”

“Have you told the alphas about your expanding family?”

I grimaced. “Not quite.”

“Might want to do that before you throw a baby shower.”

“You think?”

He glanced at the doorway, both of us stiffening when we heard footsteps echo beneath us. The fridge opened. Liquidsloshed into a glass. The footsteps went back to the living room, and I relaxed, noticing how Fred did the same.

Old habits.

I leaned my hip against the desk and crossed my arms over my chest. “I don’t want to worry about anything other than what’s right in front of me.”

“Just how long do you want to keep her here?”

“Until the threat is neutralized.”

His right brow furrowed. “How are you doing that?”

I sighed while glancing around my scarcely decorated bedroom. This minimalism was starting to look drab. Maybe the pack was rubbing off on me now that I was planning to be a dad.

“I might call a witch,” I whispered. “There’s one in the area. Regina, I think, is her name. Jermaine mentioned her.”

“What can she do?”

I shrugged. “I know she can work with memory, dreams. That kind of thing. Maybe we could plant the idea in Phil Martin’s mind about leaving Anita alone.”

“Martin is smarter than that.”

“You sure about that? The guy’s a drunk.”

Fred pointed to my laptop. “It’s more than just drunk and disorderly charges in there, man. It’s stalking and assault too.”

“He’s been caught.”

“But he hasn’t been charged with anything domestic, has he?”

My brows lifted. “Oh.”

“You ask me, I figure the guy is used to getting his way. It’ll take something a lot stronger than the mere power of suggestion to get him to leave your girl alone.”

“She’s not my girl.”

Fred could have caused the end of the world, smirking like that, and I swore I felt the ground shudder beneath me from that faint hint of a smile. “You sure about that?”

He was quoting me, and I hated it.

I tightened my arms over my chest. A sigh came from downstairs, then the creak of the couch as the right side was reclined. Joy had resonated through the house when she’d first discovered that function.
