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“No, but I wanted to.” I stood on my toes to kiss his lips. “Go sit. I’ll make you some tea.”

“Raspberry, please.”

I grinned. “Coming right up.”

My cat chirped curiously. I glanced over my shoulder to find him inspecting Liam from under the table. Amazed by his progress, I took out my phone to take a picture—and remembered that I couldn’t do much more than text.

I sighed while tucking it back into the pocket of the joggers I’d stolen from Liam. He probably wasn’t ever getting these comfy pants back. “I have to head into town today and get a new phone. We need to stop by the clinic too.”

“You mean the cat clinic?”

“Yes, the cat clinic.” I set a plate in front of him and went back to the stove to boil some water for our tea. “We should probably go talk to Patricia at the surrogate clinic as well.”

His face fell. “Shit, I forgot about that.”

“Lucky you’ve got me to think for you.”

He stabbed his eggs with his fork and shoveled them into his mouth, groaning with pleasure at the taste. With his mouth full of food, he argued, “Hey, I do alright thinking for myself.”

I chuckled. “Clearly.”

“Aren’t you going to eat?”

My stomach gurgled. I reached for the box of crackers on the counter and nibbled on one. “I’m trying. This morning sickness is killing me.”

“You haven’t fainted this morning, have you?”

“No. But I think we should talk to Patricia about that too. I fainted last night when Phil was firing that gun.”

He swallowed hard. “I thought he shot you.”

“I ducked in time. And then fainted at the same time. And then kinda threw up in my mouth.”

“Aw, baby.”

I waved off his concern. “It’s fine. I’m just trying to figure things out.”

“Like what?”

“Like these memories I can’t access. And what to do with my vet clinic.”

His brows furrowed as he studied his plate. The stove behind me clicked, drawing my attention to the pot of water that was bubbling. I turned off the stove, removed the pot from the element, and grabbed two mugs. Each one got a tiny bag of raspberry tea.

Liam hummed. “I’m not sure about your clinic, but I think Regina can help recover memories. Do you want to try that?”

“Yeah, that would be okay with me.” I poured the boiling water into the first mug. “Oh, maybe I can turn the vet clinic into a shifter clinic.”

“You want to practice shifter medicine now?”

I poured water into the second mug. “Yeah, why not? I just have to talk to Sterling about it. We’ll need all hands on deck.”

“Sounds like we have a full day ahead of us.”

I sighed as I leaned against the counter. “What if I don’t like the memory, Liam?”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”

