Page 47 of Craving Morgan

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Morgan could barely breathe.She knew that voice.“Jameson.” She peeked her head over the top of her desk and felt her knees wobble seeing Jameson standing there looking wild-eyed.There was a red mark on his face, and his light blue plaid shirt was rumpled, but he looked hail.

“Jameson,” she said again, coming around the desk and throwing herself into his arms.Jameson enfolded her in his arms, blocking her view of Shaw and Simon on the floor.“I was so scared you weren’t going to come.”

“Shhh, I was already on my way.” He pulled back to look her over.He touched her cheek, and she couldn’t hide the wince from where Shaw had struck her.“Are you alright?”

“Yes, but Simon…he’s been shot.” She looked around Jameson to see Simon watching them.

“Don’t mind me, just bleeding here on the floor.” Simon grimaced in pain, his hand over a bleeding wound on his right shoulder.Either Shaw was a bad shot or he hadn’t meant to kill him.

Jameson didn’t make any move to help him.“You tried killing Morgan.It’s no more than you deserve.”

“Jameson.” She smacked him on the chest.“He tried to save me.” That didn’t mean she liked him, but the man had stood between her and an assassin.The least he deserved was medical care.

“After he was the one responsible for sending a hitman after you to begin with,” Jameson tried reasoning with her.

“What?” Morgan whirled her head to meet Simon’s apologetic eyes.

“That was my father,” Simon interjected.

“Father?” Morgan didn’t think she could handle any more surprises.The past twenty-four hours had been filled with them.

“Gregory Valentine.”

“You know?” Simon didn’t sound happy about that.

Jameson didn’t acknowledge him, he kept his focus on Morgan.“Brooklyn cracked the code.I came to warn you.”

He wasn’t withholding more information but had come to tell her first.That was new.Maybe their talk yesterday had gotten through to him, but it didn’t change the fact.“Regardless, he saved my life.” She didn’t care who he was related to or that he was hired to harm her, he’d stood between her and the real killer.

“I knew you liked me.” Simon smiled, his white teeth covered in blood making him look menacing.

“I wouldn’t go that far.”

Several police officers stormed into the room.“We need a medic,” Jameson announced.And some cuffs for this one.” He pointed with his chin at the unconscious Shaw.

“Jessica.” Morgan tried to move around Jameson to check on her secretary, but Jameson blocked her.


Morgan felt her knees buckle again.She would have never forgiven herself if something had happened to Jessica because of her.

“Morgan, I—”

“Miss Capron,” a newcomer said, pulling her thoughts from Jameson.“I’m Agent Jennings.I need to ask you some questions.” The agent looked over at Jameson.“Unless you want to.”

“No, it’s your crime scene, work it how you like.” Jameson looked back at Morgan, a forlorn look in his eyes before he stepped back.“I’ll just be around.”

Morgan didn’t call him back as Jameson disappeared down the hall.They could talk later.“What questions did you have?” she asked Agent Jennings, giving him her full attention.“What about him?” She indicated toward Simon with her chin after she’d answered all of his questions.

“Flesh wound.High shoulder.He’ll make it.”

Morgan walked up to Simon who was already on a gurney and strapped down.He looked pale.His shoulder was covered in a bandage that blood was seeping through.“We have to get him moved, Miss,” one of the medical staff told her.

Morgan nodded at him.“Thank you,” she told Simon, taking his hand in hers.

Simon gave it a light squeeze.“I’m sorry, Morgan.I should have told you the truth.When I met you, I was trying to prove myself to my father, but then I fell for you.I thought there could be something between us, Morgan.”

“I never made it a secret I didn’t have intentions toward you other than helping you find a property.I’m flattered by your attentions, but I was never interested in pursuing anything with you other than a business deal.”
