Page 105 of Christmas of Love

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“Good times.” Daisy nodded. “What made you decide on painting all of a sudden?”

Nate frowned and scratched his chin. “Well, I pulled my chair out too quicky and dented the wall, so I had to replaster and now it’s time for paint.”

Daisy didn’t seem satisfied with that answer, and I realized Nate and Amy had no idea what was coming for them. I squeezed Daisy’s shoulders as she took a sip, and she glanced up with a smile before I leaned down to place a quick kiss on the top of her nose.

“I love you, Daisy. So much.”

She brushed her nose against mine. “I love you too.”

“That. Right there,” Nate exclaimed. “That’s what I’m looking for.”

Daisy grinned. “I’ll keep that in mind, Nate.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine


6 months later

“Who’s the good girl?” I scratched my puppy’s head right before she rolled over for a belly rub. “You are the cutest little pug I’ve ever seen.”

Tate giggled, sitting in the grass outside as a butterfly landed on the milkweed I’d planted. He pointed at the monarch with rust colors and flapping wings that arched as it fed.

The flower bed was starting to come alive like a brilliant blanket of gems, and Tate loved nothing more than toddling over and popping the flower heads off and crumpling them in his tiny little hands.

“Where’s your daddy? He was supposed to be back with a mocha.” I gently squeezed Tate’s cheek and chuckled. “How can you keep getting cuter and cuter?”

I’d dressed Tate in a tiny pair of khaki shorts and a blue polo. Everything was out of proportion and absolutely adorable.

“Pawtson, leave it.” The pug fell into her play pose and grabbed some rose petals. “Leave it, Pawtson.”

The pug stared at me with two red rose petals stuck to its lips. “You’re more mischievous than a one-year old.”

Tate giggled again and somehow fell backward from his sitting position onto his teddy bear. The shock of it all brought tears to Tate’s eyes, and I quickly swooped him into my arms.

“It’s okay, Tate. You’re okay.”

Tate’s eyes cleared right up and were quickly replaced with a smile as I nuzzled my nose against his.

Amy was getting some shuteye at Brielle and Nick’s from her long trip with them last week. They’d spent two weeks in Texas with Tate and flew to Chicago while Amy flew to Buttercup Lake with our little guy.

But tomorrow, Tate turned one, so they’d be flying in tonight for the festivities.

Our little family was growing, and Pawtson was the best addition. Tate loved staring at her, and he loved that she was on his level. Although Tate had learned to toddle around, he still liked to crawl just as much. Sometimes, when a kid had to get somewhere, it was just faster.

Like now.

Tate rolled onto his knees and started crawling toward Pawtson, who immediately laid down, waiting for her buddy.

“Dada,” Tate announced, and my gaze shot to the house where I saw Hunter coming outside with a mocha and a fresh bouquet of flowers.

“Aw, you’re too sweet,” I called over to Hunter, who beamed as he took us in.

“A new florist shop opened up, and I thought these daisies were perfect for my Daisy.”

I stood and wiped the grass off my rear before walking over to Hunter. The vibrant red, orange, and yellow gerbera daisies were perfection, just like this Friday afternoon.

I swept a kiss across Hunter’s lips, and he smiled as I whispered, “This day couldn’t get any better. I’ll go put these in water.”
